I went in to rebuild the shifter, change the tranny fluid and diff fluid. I bought the entire shifter kit to do so from 5xracing, Instead of the plastic bushing that goes at the end of the shifter I bought the bronze bushing instead to reduce shifter play. Wasn't expecting much going into this.

O....kay. I understand that both these shifter boots go bad in these cars constantly. But these boots looked original to the car. The upper one. Shown above. And a smaller one below sealing the shifter turret.
Both were obliterated.
Here's a side by side between the new and old Upper boot.

Oh well. I was Glad to do this now than later.
I took off the lower boot to look at the condition of the turret fluid. There should be about 4 Ounces of fluid in there. Or enough to just cover the shifting mechanism.

Nothing. As dry as a chick who's paying for dinner.
It's a good chance that this is the first time this transmission (and diff.) has been serviced in its lifetime. Both the Trans and diff fluid were dark brown.
It looked like feces.
Here's a pic of the shifter itself with the lower boot still attached. The thread on the shifter are cross threaded but I don't mind this YET because my shift knob still fits tightly on it. When The time comes, I'll replace that as well.

The plastic anti rotation bushing had literally disintegrated. Here is a pic of what was left of it after picking it out of the shifter itself.

I don't have any pics after that. But after everything was put together.
OMG. The shifting was...the same.
Don't get me wrong the new Bronze bushing and the new OEM parts really made everything tighter overall. BUT.
I wanted my shifting to get smoother with the new fluid in the trans (and shifter turret.)
I was kinda disappointing.
Fast forward about two weeks and the shifting has MASSIVELY improved since then.
All that was needed was the new fluid working its way into the syncros by driving it a lot.
I am happy.
The fluid I used was Redline MT-90 GL4 for the trans and Redline 70w90 for the diff. Both are Synthetic.