Enyar said: How to I keep missing these updates! Looks great! Question number 1: Care to describe the paint process for that vanity?
For the vanity prep I just hit it with some 320 sandpaper and then some red scotchbrite in the corners. I used spray cans to do it all. Painted with Krylon primer, then topped with Espresso Kyrlon Spray Enamel. Make sure to wear a respirator and if you have a window in there, try and get a fan in there to draw the fumes out.
Enyar said: Q#2: We're going from a standalone range to a separate built in oven and cooktop. I gather I need to run a separate 220v line here to power the 2nd appliance. What's to coded? Do I run a PVC electrical conduit through the attic attached to the joists with 10 gauge wire?
This one I'm not sure of. One of the other guys on here with more electrical background can probably answer it for you though. I did find this though that might answer it for you. http://diy.stackexchange.com/questions/49249/can-i-replace-an-electric-range-with-a-cooktop-and-separate-oven
Enyar said: Also, do you recommend the HF tile saw?I have to do a bathroom with hex tile and I;m thinking of picking it up.
Yes and no. Yes for it's low price and it does the job. I had an issue though with the long tiles when cutting down the long side, it liked to wander and bind up on me, I ended up just taking the water guard off to keep it from binding. You get soaked, but no binding and breaking of tiles. If I had to do it again, I would probably spring for the one with the sliding blade arm. But for what you're doing, it would be fine.
Enyar said: You'll have to let me know what you think about the cabinets on the front of the island. We keep hesitating between cabinets or an overhang for some bar stools.
I love it. We keep our small appliances like waffle irons, mixers, blenders, ect. in there and it works great for that. We were going to do a bar, but the extra cost in granite was more than we wanted to spend.
Enyar said: What gauge wire do you have going underground to the outlets on the island?
I have #8 THHN for the 220V, and then 12/2 for the 20A 110V circuit in a 1" conduit.