List is getting very short but each step is slow going. With the steering wheel back in place I can more easily move her in and out of the garage. This is necessary to get under the dash and finish the column install. I'll get the brakes bled while she's on the ground outside. Two systems finished at that point. Clutch bleed then fire in the hole!
5 of the the six header down pipe and down pipe to exhaust are in on the passenger side. Last one best accessed from the top. Tomorrow night.
Sounds like you are close! Keep it up!
Thanks Michael! Brent (Norma66) and I are in a slow motion race to get both of our old Ford's back on the road. We've been in semi-regular communication for the last month or so as we both are wrapping things up on or cars. I love this place for the personal connections and support from so many like-minded people many of whom I've never (YET) met working on a wildly wide variety of projects with so little BS like I'm sure we've all seen on so many other forums. I post things here first and update others when I can for that reason.
Everyday I'm hustlin!
August in Detroit is a car crazy month much centered around Dream Cruise activities most of which are pretty close to my house (I can hear the engines). Last year the pandemic shut things down and pulled a lot of motivation out of me but this year its back on. Short of something catastrophic, I'll be out and about in the car through November.
Tomorrow is fire day for me. Get on it!
HAHAHA! Thanks man! I'm on the road all day for work then dinner duty then the garage.
Steering column back in place.
Brakes bled. Only one operator error on that job where I didn't tighten down the lines from the MC to the proportioning valve enough. Engine bay needed a deep cleaning anyway.
Wheels back on and torqued.
I pulled the coil wire and cranked her about 6 times to check flywheel to starter fit (GOOD no noise) and circulate the oil to check level on the dip stick with the new oil pan (GOOD).
Going back to the lift to bleed the clutch cylinders and install the exhaust then fire her up!
^Hahaha! Dinner then off the lift for first fire.

Im looking forward to reading the morning update!
Well that wasn't what I'd hoped for. Climbed in and cycled power to pressurize the fuel system as it's been disconnected since last year. Uh oh, fuel smell. Noticed my return line was loose and pumped enough fuel on the garage floor and on the exhaust that I'm worried about external combustion as internal combustion didn't happen when I hit the key. Plenty of spin and fuel but no ignition. I'm reluctant to pull a wire tonight as the garage floor is soaked in fuel. To make the night slightly more pleasant, I have no clutch pedal and felt the brake pedal head to the floor while I was sitting in the car. I've tightened up all fittings a bit more though couldn't find the culprit. I'll roll it out on the driveway tomorrow and try again.
With the batteries guts being bathed in fresh new electricity I'm pondering what may be happening on the car. Last night I fixed the fuel leak and the brake system leak I hope. If those two are solid that leaves me with starting the engine and then clutch hydraulics investigation. I'll try and fire it again after the battery charger has some time to work. If that doesn't fix the starting issue I'll verify spark at the plug first then work my way backwards. The car ran in the current configuration before I tore her down last spring so I'm left with component failure or two wiring changes I made (clip them crimp back together. I'm not too worried at this point. I do have another coil if needed and can get another M(y)S(park)D(isapeared) box quickly if that proves to be the failure point. I can check both coil and box. The coil is about three years old but the box I bought used.
The clutch is more of a concern of mine now. Small reservoir makes bleeding a bit of a challenge. Back to it now.
Fuel leak repair confirmed. More electrons made her spin faster but no start. As I'm not using the fuel injection system for ignition that makes me look at coil and box. I can smell fuel in the throttle body and fuel pump turns on and pressurized the lines so I'm confident in my wiring revisions.
Plug condition looks good. Nice and tan on the insulator. Gap looks bigger than I expected but I can tighten those up or replace the plugs.

WK 1 came to the garage to help with my next step or verifying spark. No spark from the plug. He questioned my recently installed disc brake pedal pad and we discussed drum versus disc brakes including pictures of the old junky drum brake stuff I removed from the car previously.

Somewhere in the world Angry smiled for a reason he knows not until he reads this.
I'm not getting a tach signal out the MSD box and the coil isn't firing. I tested another coil I have with same results so I'm leaning toward the MSD box being dead based on their testing protocols. Some other strange stuff still has me confused a bit and PO wiring plus my mods to it are less than impressive.
I bought it used and got a few years out of it.
New MSD 6AL arrived this afternoon while I was at work. After dinner I wired it up quickly and gave the key a twist BAM! Cleveland came back to life for the first time in 16 months! WOO F'ING HOOO! Old MSD box finally must have bit it. New one did the trick! I'm STOKED! Thanks for the encouragement everyone!
8/3/21 9:42 p.m.
I'll be up for a work dog and pony show at the dream cruise. I'd love to catch up if you're close to the show.
Absolutely! I'll be out and about as much as I can now thru actual event. Where will you be stationed? You may recall were in the same industry too!
Best update ive woken up to in a long time.