Scratchy. This car is Scratchy. As in it literally makes you feel itchy. While working on the car and switching from below and above the car, I had to lean over the rear "sail". That rough, gel coat deteriorated, fiberglass really hurts. Bonus itchy-ness comes from the crappy insulation GM put to line the engine bay. So, that's officially its name now. Meet Scratchy.
Micro-Man and I took Scratchy out for its longest drive yet to date (about 4 miles). The rear tires REALLY need to be replaced: I had my first exposure to "snap oversteer" as we suddenly ended up with three tires in the green stuff off to the side of the road while going thru a left-handed 90 degree turn. Luckily, we didn't hit anything and I was able to right all four tires back onto the tarmac without any assistance.
Most of the coolant remained in its place, however there seems to be a slight leak at the thermostat housing "Cap" Also, not sure if the electric fan is functioning or not. (still no working temp gauge) but I let Scratchy idle long enough that I feel it should have kicked on if it were working properly. It seems as though the engine wasn't hurt by the over-heating episode it had prior to my ownership, so that's good news.
Indy-Barely Functional-Guy said:
Scratchy. This car is Scratchy. As in it literally makes you feel itchy. While working on the car and switching from below and above the car, I had to lean over the rear "sail". That rough, gel coat deteriorated, fiberglass really hurts. Bonus itchy-ness comes from the crappy insulation GM put to line the engine bay. So, that's officially its name now. Meet Scratchy.
We have our fiberglass ladders sprayed down with a clear coat once a year .Might a rattle can clear can help you .
I went and bought this.

So, it'll soon be time to send Scratchy on to a new owner. Interested?
Indy-Barely Functional-Guy said:
I went and bought this.

So, it'll soon be time to send Scratchy on to a new owner. Interested?
Update: so I had a forum member inquire, and also reached out to former owner WhiteAndGold, so this one may be leaving my collection soon.
Officially for Sale
Please help fund my wagon challenge car.