In reply to Robbie :
I hired out the big part minus siding and door to an Amish company. They also put the poles in for the small part for me because I don't have the means to dig 18" round 5' deep holes, and i'm too old for that E36 M3. I got 1 quote of 40k for everything minus concrete, one of 35k minus concrete, and these guys were at 17ish including concrete leaving it ready for me to do the small part, siding, doors, and roof the existing portion myself. I'll be around 23 all in with 3 new doors, shelving, a loft and the 4 post lift. The company i hired was going to be around 35k if I just said do everything. I can't stomach that kind of cash outlay for a garage.
Got this from chandler last night, have i mentioned I love GRM?

oh you've never seen the car or dolly? No problem i'll pick them up in the dark and tow them 3+ hours home and sit on them for a few weeks then tow them the 2 hours to you!
2/19/20 9:36 a.m.
Awesome! Had dinner with Chandler (and his brother I think?) A while back. Seemed like a really good guy. This confirms!
Can confirm, Chandler is awesome 
What you can't see there is the strap for the pass side was sketchy to start with and disappeared somewhere between Lexington and Cincinnati. Oops! Glad I had double strapped everything.
Sketchy straps, will put new straps on the list with fenders and lights. I'm not sure how they attach but i could have wheel straps shipped to you?
I bought tow dolly straps recently. They are only $35 on Amazon.
Next thing you know, that dolly (and new straps) will be headed to WV for that Lumina Z34. 
In reply to John Welsh :
Got outbid, someone is saving me from myself
In reply to Patrick :
Not me!
Beware the second chance offer option...
John Welsh said:
I bought tow dolly straps recently. They are only $35 on Amazon.
It has some weird catches, the hook side fits in an opening instead of around a bar like I've usually seen.
Someone once told me if you have ten minutes, take 10 minutes. Well, i had 20 between letting the dog out and picking the kids up and 15 between getting home and starting dinner. Therefore I have most of the rafters in place on the little section. Yesterday morning I bought all the 2x6x12 for it, and having been up since 2:30am i mathed wrong and got not enough. Need 8 more to finish the rafters and rake boards. Tomorrow is supposed to be high of 20 so probably nothing, but friday i am taking off and will be grabbing 22 sheets of osb and sheathing everything and getting some underlayment on it to keep water out of the garage.

Z34 jumped to $1525 with 2 seconds left, so I don't feel bad. If it had gone for $769 I would have been upset.
working on the kitchen in the house with the blue bathroom fixtures. I was told "make it look like a car guy's kitchen"

enjoying being able to play with bright colors, most people just want beiges and grays. I saved the original stainless edging from the countertop and redid it with black formica and put the stainless edge back on. The painter did a new coat of shellac on the cabinets. The red tile will go to the floor(same black and white checkered vinyl as bathroom).
I lied. Not about the temperature, it's 20, but i got the wall framing done minus the inside door header. Need one more 2x10 for that. Got the little trailer out from behind the logs with some creative use of the truck and a 2x4, only ripped the license plate off which is a blessing in disguise because I forgot to put the renewal sticker on it. Ordered all the roofing from menards for march 6th delivery

When you get done I have enough projects at home for you to move. All my favorite contractors are old and are having health issues.
NOW it makes a lot more sense!
In reply to Knurled. :
it usually takes till the general shape is done for people to see my vision on things. Kinda like the Wartburg
Is the lean to getting concrete floors?
In reply to Dusterbd13-michael :
Patrick said:
I bought all the 2x6x12 for it, and having been up since 2:30am i mathed wrong and got not enough. Need 8 more to finish the rafters and rake boards.
I have practically stopped planning how much. Just grab some of what's needed, because Invariably, I'll need more. Of course, the Depot is across the street from work, and both are barely a mile from home.
Shop is going to be Great!

2/21/20 8:28 p.m.
Patrick said:
I lied. Not about the temperature, it's 20, but i got the wall framing done minus the inside door header. Need one more 2x10 for that. Got the little trailer out from behind the logs with some creative use of the truck and a 2x4, only ripped the license plate off which is a blessing in disguise because I forgot to put the renewal sticker on it. Ordered all the roofing from menards for march 6th delivery

All this took how long.....2days....3days ?????