The amish guys - 5 of them between 18-23 took 3 days to do the big part. The small part i have about an 8 hour day into spread over 4 days because Tuesday-Thursday was all after work bits and pieces and today i did probably 5 hours. I'd say in another hour it's ready for siding and roofing, but roofing has to come in and be installed before i can call on the framing inspection. Once that inspection is done i can have the siding and doors delivered. Haven't picked siding yet, doors are in stock at menards and for their $109 delivery fee it's not worth my time to go get them. 40 minutes each way plus hour plus in store plus I don't have anything to carry a 16' door besides my work trailer means i'd be unloading them from 8' up by myself once i got home. I'm actually hoping that when they call to schedule roofing delivery that I can get the doors tossed on the same truck and skip the second delivery fee.
It's occurred to me that I'm putting out enough $ on this to buy the GTR that I am working on trading up to, but without this there wouldn't be a space to keep it nice. Tax refund will cover approximately half of this construction project, just have to finish up my taxes and e file everything.
So, the concrete goes in Monday?
I can't believe how fast this is going up!
They were talking maybe Tuesday or Wednesday. I will get the stump grinder tomorrow morning and finish that off. My back says take it easy today. Going to sweep off the roof and get down the underlayment so it's ready for the predicted rain monday. The only hangup with the company that i hired is they're not great communicators. So I didn't know they weren't coming the day everything got delivered until i called at 10 and asked if they were coming, because they were supposed to be there at 8. If you get hung up on the last job, tell the customer that day not just don't show up. We don't do business like that, so i just expect our way should be everyone's way. So who knows on the concrete. I would love to get it done sooner than later because as soon as it's done i can get some gravel to mitigate the mudhole.
Patrick said:
It's occurred to me that I'm putting out enough $ on this to buy the GTR that I am working on trading up to, but without this there wouldn't be a space to keep it nice.
Adulting is a bitch.
Also, you have to make sure your GT-R doesn't have a cage, otherwise you wouldn't be able to get out of the driver's seat.
In reply to Knurled. :
Also is having the personal rule that car $ is separate from the earned working $
the cage part makes me LOL
i just want a nice stock r32.
I wasn't sure how the old garage fit into the plan either until now. That's gonna be an awesome shop.
Mr Dead Sled came over to balance some tires and helped me hang the inside headers and sweep the roof so it's ready for underlayment. I just finished the sheathing, so the last real building left is to extend the soffit on the south side out onto the new wall to make corner posts, siding, and flashing easier.

done for the day, family time. I'll get the underlayment on tomorrow while it's nice and warm in preparation for the forecast rain monday. Hopefully they do concrete this week, so i can start mud remediation
2/22/20 6:05 p.m.

Pman, berking amazing!!!!!!......almost makes me want to move back to Ohio......hey, will the cement contractor make these floors smooth as a babies' BUTT????
To clear up any confusion:
fook me i'm tired and have not had coffee in 2 days, not oh fook something is wrong. I got stump grinder at 9am, did that till 1, had a salad, got the underlayment on then cleaned up the site for concrete. I'm done till the roofing comes.
also menards is 11% rebate this week, and they do what's called a rebate adjustment on anything purchased up to 14 days prior to an 11% sale. I just need to go to the store and ask for a rebate adjustment form and print out my order receipt for the roofing and i'll get a merchandise check in the mail for 11% of $1,608. This also means I'll be grabbing the doors at the end of the week because that's another $1300ish i think. So between those i'll have around $300 to use after the rebates come.
So big. Dad came over today and told me if I cannot fit all my E36 M3 in there i have too much E36 M3.

In reply to Patrick :
Dang son, that's a grosh!
Can't wait to see the tri-five Chevy action!
Can never have too much building.
gumby said:
Can never have too much building.
Says captain sweet shop.
I'm eating some well deserved cookies. I now have slightly over 2,000 square feet of workshop under cover. I am happy with that
Patrick said:
To clear up any confusion:
fook me i'm tired and have not had coffee in 2 days, not oh fook something is wrong. I got stump grinder at 9am, did that till 1, had a salad, got the underlayment on then cleaned up the site for concrete. I'm done till the roofing comes.
also menards is 11% rebate this week, and they do what's called a rebate adjustment on anything purchased up to 14 days prior to an 11% sale. I just need to go to the store and ask for a rebate adjustment form and print out my order receipt for the roofing and i'll get a merchandise check in the mail for 11% of $1,608. This also means I'll be grabbing the doors at the end of the week because that's another $1300ish i think. So between those i'll have around $300 to use after the rebates come.
Thank you for bringing this to my attention! Just bought a sectional couch at Menards last week and am going there today to get the rebate adjustment form.
In reply to karplus2 :
Also, home depot has a site where you go and they match on the menards 11% rebate weeks if you have menards in your area, that's where all those gift cards came from
Did you get your slab placed?
It did not, everything is still mud pit. The window of nights above freezing wasn't very long. It's looking like tonight may be the last truly cold night, so I'm hoping this week. Menards got the roofing in yesterday and i asked for delivery on friday the 6th. I did forget to order screws and did so last night.
as soon as concrete is in I'm getting gravel delivered and doing my best to kill the mud.
another week another bathroom, this time we ripped out a shower that had an 11" step up and got it down to normal level via installing a pump between the closet and shower with just enough access to service it in the future. Also did some electric (added LED above shower, moved switch to outside door because it was almost in the shower before, removed 2 illegal hidden junctions).

In reply to Patrick :
One of these years I'm going to pay you to spend a warm winter in the south fixing all the berkeleyed E36 M3 in our house.
I gotta have a shower like that replaced soon. Not looking forward to it. You make it look so easy, I know I'll eff it up somehow.
You wouldn't possibly want to come do one in southern Maryland, would ya? Lol.
In reply to Patrick :
Next weekend starts daylight saving time. My favorite day of the year. It's like they turn the lights back on after work!
Yeah, i am looking forward to DST, especially since I've been getting up before 6 every day. I started taking melatonin and something called kava root and it's been helping me stay asleep, didn't take it last night and didn't sleep well.
Going to try and get to the rx8 next weekend. We also need to come get the focus at some point but my cousin is busy and doesn't always reply when he says he will. I know they want it and have the money, but with 2 kids in HS and extracurriculars time is short. Sara was way easier with the legacy because i paid for it and she paid me back.
I can deliver the Focus. Either to you or to them.
The Sonic goes for inspection Monday so then that will be legal and can serve as "reserve car" for me. Another Prius has arrived so the Focus can go. I've put a couple hundred miles on the Focus. It's great.
For the everyones trying to figure out how it's working

original back wall stays put as does the golf cart size door. Picture taken from back corner of new 24x36 work area. Will drive through down side room or through big door. Old garage separate on purpose at this point to keep clean stuff clean and dirt in the work area. At this point the last nasty dirty projects with lots of grinding and rust removal are the chevelle and the devin. Once those are done there's a chance I open the back wall and have clear 56' of floor front to back, but for now I want different spaces. The small room down the side will eventually get blocking between the rafters and some sort of movable closure to the big area so it can be sealed off for painting.
when i pull the siding off the now inside walls i'll paint them some bright color so it's not dark.