Executive decision:
today i added the amish guys setting the posts and doing the skirt boards and concrete for the section of the garage that i'm building so I don't have to a: dig 24" round 42" deep holes b: set heavy posts myself and c: wait for my flaky concrete buddy to do the floor.
township zoning person is coming out monday to verify setbacks on plans to issue zoning permit then i can get my building permit from the county and the amish crew is scheduled to show up Feb 6th. Neighbor's son is supposed to come remove the pine stump and grade before they show up in exchange for some of the firewood from the trees that got cut down
From the stress and time management angles, this is a good decision.
In reply to Patrick :
Younger me was always thrilled when I could do something myself and save money. Older me is thrilled when I can pay someone else to do it so I can focus my time & energy on things that don't suck.
1/16/20 8:27 p.m.
Pete Gossett said:
In reply to Patrick :
Younger me was always thrilled when I could do something myself and save money. Older me is thrilled when I can pay someone else to do it so I can focus my time & energy on things that don't suck.
I still think I'm 20 years youngish...and invincible.....but the next morning is brutal....
In reply to Pete Gossett :
I'm getting there, the biggest problem is I've been a carpenter since I was 16 so I have a huge problem paying someone else to do something for me that's literally my profession. However, my body can't go work then come home and do it again anymore. If I took on this alone it would be incomplete by next winter. As we're on track now I should be siding in april and moving everything in by may. I'm looking at used forklifts right now to help with the project. I'm thinking about building a beefy loft that i can put the toolboxes and benches and fab tools under with lots of light that I could put the devin and sand rail up on to stare at until I'm ready to work on them. I'm trying to stop thinking until everything is built so i can do 3d visualization of the space.
Customer's bathroom has a new subfloor of 3/4" t&g plywood over flat 1x4 PT boards glued and tapconned to the slab instead of 2 layers of osb. Shower pan is also done and in process of Kerdi waterproofing membrane. Vanities are back in and the tub deck has been jacked back to level with a new structure and the tub is reset correctly. All the rot under the seat is fixed. Drain is now installed correctly. Tiles are coming in monday.

1/18/20 6:11 p.m.
Still have your first hammer?......mine's a True Temper 20oz, from my rough framing days over 40 years ago in Avon Lake 
I have my first good hammer, it's around here somewhere. It got mixed up in the shuffle of changing trucks several years ago and i'm still going through all that crap. I'm not very sentimental about my tools, but i love how that hammer feels.
Plan: take stuff from basement/yard/garage and sell/trade my way to enough for a nice R32 GT-R. I was planning to do something like this and pimpm3's roll bar to a cayman thread has me wanting to document this.
fair game: the Q45(traded aboot $100 in material and a couple hours for it). The RX8 that kyallroad has in his yard for me. Any parts not for stuff I have or plan to. The spare VW parts from the lot I bought here because I wanted the 1.8 type 4 engine for my sandrail. The video games that I don't plan to keep because games that I cannot open and play have no value to me and a significant amount to other people.
so far the budget is as such:
q45 = -$100
rx8 = -$300
vw stuff = -$200
Video game sales = +$2650
sold $50 tires for $150 = +$100
running total +$2150
goal $27000 give or take.
as soon as winter breaks i plan to part the q45 on ebay and hopefully I can fix the rx8 after I pick it up.
garage update: township is dragging their feet on zoning permit. The person who does the site checks only works on mondays and the commissioner forgot last monday was MLK day so they didn't come out. I'm dangerously close to getting bumped on the schedule because of this lost week.
You could always just play video games on YouTube until you get enough supporters that you can buy one.
(Jimmy also owns a turbocharged NA. He also is pretty dang entertaining)
Thanks to this thread, I now know the goodness of hood waffles.

Kids like them too.
On the verge of having construction bumped to March because the township is going on week 3 without issuing a zoning permit since their field person only goes out on mondays and last monday was a holiday. 
honestly, not a huge deal because i would rather be cutting vinyl siding in april rather than march due to its explosive properties when cold, but I don't like setbacks. Neighbor's son was supposed to come dig out the stump and grade the area and that's not done yet either. They looked at it 3 weeks ago and I'm supposed to trade them firewood for the work
At least i finished that berkeleying bathroom

In reply to Patrick :
That looks very impressive.
Because we worked a long day to finish said berkeleying bathroom yesterday, I was off today. So we went to see a bald eagle because Abby loves bald eagles

Zoning permit acquired, building permit paperwork in the hands of the county and next stop is review by the building official, and today we ripped out another leaky bathroom fixture, this time an improperly installed and cracked acrylic tub.
have not received the "you have been bumped to march" correspondence yet, so i think they were hoping i could pull some permits out of my behind
You should definitely come visit the cottage. We've had a nesting pair of eagles on the beach for as long as we've been there. We see the adults 9/10 days and juveniles on the right years. Sometimes they're even down on the beach eating a giant dead fish when we look outside. Abby is is right, eagles are cool.
Patrick said:

SKID STEERS RULE!!!!............oh and I wanna drive that 
The story:
neighbor loves osage orange wood for his fireplace, it burns all night. I have a bunch. He said he would trade stripping the topsoil and digging out the spruce stump in exchange for the wood, and his son would do it with their trackhoe. We're t minus 3 days from scheduled start date and his son has not come over yet. My buddy has this skid steer, so I called in a favor yesterday and it showed up today. Got a quick instruction session and did everything myself. Took out a sidewalk, removed the stump, stripped the topsoil and dumped it where my new raised garden is going, graded as well as i could, took down the awning. I have to do a little work on the remnants of the maple stump next to the garage, but it's ready otherwise. As long as they get my permit done we're good, otherwise there's going to be a mudhole.
for good measure i did front brakes on the charger a few minutes ago
I used it to move my 3 wheeler because I didn't have to fill the flat tire

We got the permit issued this morning. We did get bumped by 11 days on the schedule when the permit wasn't done yesterday, but that gives me time to deal with what's left of the maple stump next to the garage.
They're planning to start on the 17th, and their protocol is to schedule the hole inspection for that morning, come punch the holes with a big auger and as soon as the inspector gives the green light drop in the footing blocks and start building. They told me the building goes up fast then the concrete guy comes afterward and pours/seals the floor. I'm planning to have my materials for the small part ready to go so as soon as they leave I can frame my portion and measure/order the roofing because it's cut to order. Then I can get the framing inspection done and get the doors and siding on.
Patrick said:
their protocol is to schedule the hole inspection for that morning
Huh, huh.

I may have said it before, but I really enjoy this thread. You do awesome work.
2/4/20 10:52 p.m.
wheelsmithy said:
Patrick said:
their protocol is to schedule the hole inspection for that morning
Huh, huh.

I may have said it before, but I really enjoy this thread. You do awesome work.
sorry i couldn't resist "uhuhuhhhhuhh calm down Beavis....give me TP for my bunghole!!!!!"....
What did i do to become the savior of berkeleyed up bathrooms

the berk is this?

Half tucked behind the shower wall

did i mention i have another one going back together tomorrow, another going back together monday (with vintage blue cast iron tub and reproduction blue toilet and sink)?
2/5/20 1:20 p.m.
In reply to Patrick :
Did they just putty the berkeley out of a street 90 they were attempting to use as a drain? That's a lot what that looks like.