Plumbers showed up the day I did the CAT6 cables. Check this out!
I have hot and cold water distribution manifolds! They're all labled and have their own knob to cut off flow to each individual spot. Like I can cut off just the hot water to the master bath tub, or all of it to the whole house from those master knobs on top. How friggin cool?!

2nd bathroom tub. They fill them with water and leave them to check for leakdown.

Master bath garden tub, AKA The Wife's Escape. LOL Not a jaccuzi tub, just a regular old big deep garden tub.

Insulation was next. Had it there in 2 weeks if I remember right. Gave me lots of time for the wiring. I did run speaker wire and put single gang boxes in every room for speakers.
Living room

Entry way


Now this is Kourtlyn's room, the 1 year old. You can see insulation on the right. That's the bathroom wall. You'll also notice the insulation on the left wall. That's into the 15 year old's room. Isolate the baby from the noise. They charged us $60 to do that. Just the cost of materials. How cool was that?

Kelcie's room, the 15 yr old, showing the insulated wall between her and her baby sister.

Back in Kourtlyn's room. This shows her slightly cathedral ceiling and all the damn insulation. Makes me itch just looking at it!

Insulated bathroom wall.

Master Bedroom

OK, it's officially my birthday and I'm going to sleep. It's 12:20am. I'll put more up tomorrow. Next up = BRICK!
Its amazing how quickly the pros can put up a house.
We're remodeling the mobile home we just inherited, guess I should be taking pics.....
Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought the insulation was supposed to go the other way on exterior walls because of how the vapor barrier works. Can someone confirm or tell me I'm dumb?
16vCorey wrote:
Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought the insulation was supposed to go the other way on exterior walls because of how the vapor barrier works. Can someone confirm or tell me I'm dumb?
You're dumb... Shadap...
I hadn't heard either way, that's why I have pro's doing it. If it's wrong, they fix it. Pretty simple.
I love this thread. Isnt PEX Tubing the shiznizzle? I fully plan to use this when Mrs. 4cf and I build here soon (soon being maybe in 3 years lol). Cars > PEX water manifolds > BMX > Zombie movies > everything else.
Ok, I am caught up now. More, please.
Drywall. This happened while they were doing the brick.
Kitchen looking at the pantry

Master bath

Master bedroom looking at the door and master bath (dark room)

Master Bedroom

Laundry Room

Kelcie's room & Toki the cat. Yes, named after Toki on Metalocalypse.

Kourtlyn's room


Living room looking towards the kitchen from the entry to the master suite

Entry way into the living room and door to office

My huge back windows. You can see our cabin back there.

Entry way & front door

Breakfast area


Cabinets came in! One guy did all the trim, interior doors, cabinets, counter tops, etc. He worked till midnight, slept in his truck and finished the next day.
Master bath and linen closet

Kelcie's closet with built in shelves

2nd bath

Hall closet




Counter tops installed the next day.

How many days into the build are we now?
Wow, this is my new favorite thread! That's a nice upgrade.
Home building is stressful but fun. I count it among the smartest things that I have ever done. And you will appreciate every photo that you have taken. Make sure you get one of every pipe, wire and trench. It makes things a lot easier when you make changes years down the road.
You may also want to go up on the roof and take photos of anything that is going to be buried, and also triangulate some measurements from the corners of the house in case you ever need to dig something up.
I guess you guys don't get a lot of frost down there, eh?
Curmudgeon wrote:
Damn nice garage.
Talking about that - I don't see one. Are you planning for the garage to be a seperate structure?
That's one heck of an upgrade from the double-wide, isn't it?
This thread is so full of win!!! Moar pix please! 
11/17/11 10:40 a.m.
Professional dry wall guys are amazing, so fast. I've seen entire houses done (well) in one day. When I tried it, not so fast.
jstein77 wrote:
Curmudgeon wrote:
Damn nice garage.
Talking about that - I don't see one. Are you planning for the garage to be a seperate structure?
That's one heck of an upgrade from the double-wide, isn't it?
Shop will be later. We were in a single wide, even a double wide would have been an improvement. LOL
Otto Maddox wrote:
How many days into the build are we now?
We're probably 2 months into it by this point. We dug the electric trench 2 weeks ago. Had to rent the excavator and kidnap my neighbor and bribe him with food. LOL We had delays due to different crews coming from different areas. We had guys here from Houston, Dallas, Ft. Worth, Austin, etc. We are almost the geographical center of Texas, so getting people here was kind of a pain.
The next batch of pictures were taken a little while after the other interior ones. I'd say 2-3 weeks later. Small stuff was happening, but these next ones are going to blow your mind.
Are you ready for this?