Yeah i hear ya. I really really enjoy this car.I have gsx front brakes ready with a 3000gt mast cly, and 89mirageman will be doing rear disks for me soon. I have a hydro 1.8 trans swap ready when the 1.5 gives out. The smic is sooooo sleeper. I get heatsoak and knock if i rage on it, but it will get a fmic soon. I just love hunting for parts. Its truely a neat car. Im glad I did it.
Yeah after a few year of sleeper you gotta go full kit. As a coupe i prefer the asti look for the evo kit, but as a sedan....DEF evo style.
I will let ya know if i need anything. Thanks man!
Nice build - that thing looks like a blast to drive!
5/9/14 7:13 p.m.
wow that is cool! what color was it?
Sorry for the late response! It was white with grey interior. I honestly don't know what ended up happening to it. I know the guy went by Rush on 3si (used to have a single turbo'd fwd 3si) but not sure if he used that name elsewhere. At the time he owned the car it was in Austin, Tx.
Loving the updates!
I took the car to the track tonite. Last week I messed up and I had loaded in the older, lower timing tune (18deg peak) in the car and i also didn't launch the car since it was my first time. 2.4 60ft, 14.1 overall. Track was stopped for a cleanup and after 4 runs i went home. I got a new tune file with 22deg peak timing and now the car is nice and fast again. I'm Not happy with the time at all. I dont wanna break the axles or trans either. It was as slow as my focus ST lol.
I found a front mount i wanna use. Mishimoto z line. It will be maxed when I go to 20psi full time, but It fits and it's black and its not ebay. Id do the J line, but it's a 3.5" core and thats too thick for my sleeper look.
Heres a shot of a full 3rd gear pull with the current good tune. 3600rpm full spool, 15deg timing at 3500, 19deg at 4500, 22deg timing from 5500-7K. you can see the boost hit 15psi, slightly go down, then it spikes to 18psi. It seems to LOVE the timing. Keep in mind this is on a STOCK 1g SMIC on STOCK piping lol. amazing. after I get the FMIC I'm gonna go 20psi full time, then the power portion will be done. mod is here. after doing insane research for the last week straight.......I decided to buy a good FMIC. I was gonna do eBay, and with performance parts like an intercooler, you really DO get what you pay for. like nice corrugated fins, cast end tanks, and more fins per inch on the inside. I picked up the Precision 350HP core today. And I'm happy with its size and weight. on the plus side: IT FITS!!!!! perfectly. like, wayyy too well. I even found factory bumper bar threaded holes right where the end tank ears are. no welding, woot! I will get it fabbed up. I also got a free eBay piping kit with hardware from a buddy, so I will be able to get started on piping this thing asap once it's mounted.
OK, onto pics!
look at that small lil SMIC back there.


I will open up the area to the sides of the rad for the piping with the tiger saw. Should fit right in there like a Short Route kit would. will be tight on the DS by the alt!

EDIT: more progress. piping going in. tight fit, but I should be able to fit it. I only need one coupler to finish the connections, and two pipes cut and ends rolled.
SMIC setup out.

I see em all fine! Postimage is very stable.
EDIT: MORE progress. i shortened the pipes to fit them better. this is all rough-fitting. next is fmic brackets and getting that connected, and seeing if everything is clear. after that i get the HKS flange welded onto the pipe, paint, and BLT/test!

Sorry guys, that fabbing took me awhile. luckily it was fun :)
it's all beaded and seems to work fine. I am going to do a BLT in the morning. I went from 15psi to a 20-22psi spike down to 10-11PSI with a max of 15psi spike. the AFR is wayyyyy rich down low , and when it spikes back to the prev. normal 15psi it leans out. right now the car needs a retune and a MBC increase. I'm gonna put it at about 15-20psi, wherever I feel it runs well and doesn't lose too much traction. cooling is INSANE. hot pipe is hot. by 6" down the FM it's cooler, and the last 1/2 of it is COLD. outlet is freezing ass cold. This will definitely help the air charge temps and the Stop & go traffic. it was cold during my DD to work and back, as well as being cold in general just sitting. this core is great.
onto the pics of my routing. it's pretty much set where it needs to be. all pipes are beaded. I had the tool made and it ROCKS!

f6sk wrote:
I like the bead maker!
i found it on google search and car forums! love stuff like that. and it is holding 20psi!
the car is now running 20psi. it hits HARD. as of now I'm scared of it LOL. it goes to 10, then right to 20psi now. higher highway pills last about 5 sec and then the wipers come up. the wipers come up right about when the speedo is's kind of a "HEY STUPID, SLOW DOWN" maneuver. I instantly need to install the bigger brakes and Mast Cyl. I have now overrun the stock brakes completely. they are a no go.
It might be time for the "SKETCH" vanity plate. I will have to throw the Action Cam on the car and take some vids.
PS, bumper is fitted. just a quick job.

Nice! Get a GoPro and give us some in-car footage of those runs! Oh, and I like "SKETCH" for a plate...that's awesome.
I now have switched power to dual pusher fans. cooling is def better. I will put up pics of the install. I went with a 12" and a 10" and they fit great.
I did a 4th gear pull. looks great. I have a small exhaust leak from the EWG blockoff plate, so my airflow is only 31lbs/min instead of 38-40, so I'm losing a lil bit of power and spool there, but the car is a blast to drive. my tuner is good, and this engine seems to REALLY LOVE timing and boost on this setup. I am happy with it, and there is some room left here and there.
here's a pic of the log for non DSMlink people.

I'm stealing your bead tool idea.
Paint that intercooler black, the sleeper look was awesome.
bgkast wrote:
I'm stealing your bead tool idea.
Paint that intercooler black, the sleeper look was awesome.
I stole it too!! Hahaha. And yeah im gonna have to do something about that big ass grille. People know the secret is out now! Haha.
here are the fans. lots more rad surface area in the front. I need to make some ducting in the front.

Car will be at the east coast shootout tomorrow. Last week i lost a coilpack and it almost kept me from going. I went to 2g coilpacks as they are much better.
I need tires now!
New Reader
6/7/14 9:27 p.m.
OOPS forgot about GRM for a bit there! Shootout was nice. small turnout but fast cars.
I took this @ the shootout that day:

so far, I have just been driving the car once a week to keep it in shape. I just got new tires put on, Toe arms arrived this week, camber arms are in, and the bumpers are going red. I decided that I wanted to decrease the lift in the ass end because it likes to get a lil too happy around corners and while braking.....sooooooo, I bought a full-blown 90's replica EVO III rear wing. It's massive. I'm loling at it, and everyone else HATES it. It's getting painted tomorrow, and the entire car should be back together by the evening. I located a proton rear JDM bumper as well, so I hope I can secure that and ditch the E36 M3ty and huge US rear. for the front, I will just run the stock one unless I can grab one of those EVO III replica bumpers that fits the coupe lights.
I also am going to do a blackout section between the lights. I think it helps make the EVO look much better. its just PD for now to test it out.
pics of the carnage (does the blackout section make sense now? :)

Front is on. I need to redo the bolt hole on the DS. Its ripped out. Color looks great for a spray bomb job. The best part is that the car is just a beater on the outside lol. I want a new front and rear anyways so this is just a holdover.
image hosting
I'm kinda sad it doesn't look sleeper anymore...
Glad you're enjoying it though!
yeah i got the wing and bumpers painted and now I am not sure if I want to keep the wing or not. some angles make it look funky. i dunno. just kinda blah. I can get another trunklid from a yard or just cap the 4 small holes. I dunno what to do. I wanted to try the wing for reduced lift and stability but it might just be too much.
the trans is going too. 4th is about done. its popping out of gear. I'm gonna have to do the 1.8 Hyrdo trans swap asap. i dunno. I'm bummed.
I will take some pics with the wing on and off and see what we have.
8/17/14 11:21 p.m.
Leave the wing. More than a basic car with wheels as a sleeper, is a basic car with a bunch of E36 M3 on it as a sleeper. Think of a civic with a bodykit. You think total pos. Then it goes fast. You're more surprised the. It it looks mostly stock. Plus I like the pure function look to the mods myself.

I removed the PD black center section as well. i HATE the US rear bumper. so fat. I just don't want a pos car. My dad already named it the "Ricecar". everyone hates it. i dunno. UGHHHHHHH.
8/18/14 12:03 a.m.
Is not pos. Is fast. There's a method to the mayhem. The rear bumper is sort of a mess... But honestly I think a little fatter rubber and a new ass and the wing works. Maybe some zg flares and some 9's. All the meaty.
the rear bumper needs to be swapped out to the CA3A mirage one. it's sooooo much nicer. it's hard to get to the US tho.

i JUST got new tires. last ones were shot. yes i wanted to do 16's on about an 8.5" wheel and flares, but it was just too much. it was going to get too extreme for what I am budgeted for. I just decided to keep it on the road with the 15's for now. tires are weird to buy......all the sizes you want are either auto-x only or extremely expensive. I went with that I had before so I wouldn't have any issues. I might have to remove the wing and store it, and then work on flares and fitment down the line, and then when they go on bring the wing out again.