I'm going to jump over some of the build stuff and jump right into the first race report. We'll be a little out of order here for the first few posts, but I'll catch up eventually.
Race Report #1.
Open practice starts at 6pm Friday night. Getting through Portland on a Friday afternoon is a bear and can easily add an hour to the drive. I skipped out of work a few minutes early and ran out to get the last few parts I needed to get the bike together. It really came down to the wire, I really sure if I was going to be riding or not, but I was going to haul the bike down and try at the very least.
Due to my own procrastination, I hadn't actually started the bike properly yet. I mean, this is a "known good" motor, and I had checked for spark, but up until Friday at about 4:30 I had only fired the bike on Ether. The last time I ran this engine it was detonating really bad under load. The carb was full of slime and I just kinda assumed that it was running super lean, trying to blow a hole in the piston. So, Friday night, an hour and a half before I was supposed to be in Salem flat tracking for the first time, I rolled the bike out to the end of the driveway, splashed some gas into the tank for the first time, "tickled" the old Amal Concentric carb (Amals are... special), and gave the bike a good boot. Fired first damn kick! I rode the bike up and down the block to make sure I had 5 gears, one spongy brake, and no horrid knocking noises from the engine. I killed the bike, loaded it into the truck, threw my gear bag and an odd assortment of random tools into the truck and boogied south to Salem.

I got signed up for practice and found my buddies in the pits. I got all geared up, warmed the bike up and went out for my first practice session. By open practice, they mean OPEN practice. It's mayhem. They corral the kiddos on small wheel bikes into one run group, but otherwise its completely open. It doesn't matter if you're nationally ranked pro Sammy Halbert on a fire-breathing beast, or a guy in his 30's on a 20hp bike with zero experience whatsoever, you're in the same run group. 
Immediate thoughts after my first time on track are: Wow, those guys are berkeleying fast. The track is at least twice as slippery as I expected it to be. And the clutch is big-time anytime the bike gets on the pipe.
So, back to the pits to clean my underwear and look into the clutch problems. Cable adjuster backed off all the way on the bars and the clutch is still slipping like a bastard. Nobody in our group brought a proper selection of tools (seriously, none of us brought a 13mm socket...) and we couldn't get the jam nut on the push rod adjuster broken loose through the tiny inspection cover with a box wrench. We we're able to split off the whole left side cover without losing too much gear oil and make the adjustments that way. It felt like a very proper classic race scenario, breaking into a hot motor in between heats. 

I pushed the forks through the trees another half inch or so and dropped the tire pressures down to 20psi, both wild ass guesses. Second practice session was much better; clutch was holding power now and the front end wasn't trying nearly as hard to wash out. I was getting more and more comfortable on the bike and was starting to pick up some speed and work on my form a little bit. I felt like I had graduated from "Drunk Toddler" to "Six year old with a solid buzz". Countershaft seal started puking at some point in the night, I was having too much fun to stop, so I just kept an eye on the gear oil level between sessions. The rest of the night was pretty uneventful. I probably ran 6 sessions in the three hour window and was getting consistently faster and more comfortable on track. We packed it up a little after 9 and went to find some much needed beer and food. I rolled into my driveway around 12:30am, totally beat having been up since 4:30am for work.
I spent all Saturday morning fixing and tuning on the bike. I was able to get the countershaft seal revert back to it's typical European weep instead of the full-on sieve from last night.
Got to the track around 3:30, just in time to register for the nights racing. Found my buddies in the pits, made some last minute fixes, and walked the track a few times. Rider's meeting at 4:30, and straight into the practice session at 5:00.
I was in one of the first run groups on a freshly groomed track. Turn two of lap one of the first practice session and it finally happened. My very first low-side. Went out onto track with a fast group, eager to show that I could hang with them, bit off a little more than I could chew and found out pretty quickly that the rubbered in track we left on Friday night was gone and it had been replaced with a gooey mess. It was a very gentle if not majestic crash. The rear end came around and I just kinda rode it off into the infield and stepped off the bike as it came to a rest on it's side. No harm done to me or the bike, didn't even get dirty, but a lesson was certainly learned. Fresh Track = Slippery Track
Here's some onboard video of the practice session directly after my little oops. A little gun-shy, but still keeping up with the rest of the Vintage guys.
Also note how berkeleying fast the fast guys are. 
Maybe I am still a Drunk Toddler. I rode in 4 or 5 sessions and parked the bike. I was back up to where I was the night before and felt comfortable going into my first heat.
Overall we had 12 guys in the Vintage 250 class which was the largest class of the night, I think. We got split into two heats of 6. I had a really great battle for second in my first actual wheel to wheel event with Kory F. who rides a Champion framed YZ with modern rubber. We traded spots back and forth a few times, but he ended up in front of me in the end. I was still absolutely overjoyed with 3rd place and the confirmation of not being totally out of my element.
I got to start on the front row in the main, high on the outside. Had a good start in second gear (the Super Pioneer trans has a very short 1st gear, and I have massive 56 tooth sprocket on the rear right now) and ended up in 3rd after the first two turns thanks to a crash on the inside. I have never felt more focused. I spent most of the main reeling in the guy in second and caught him by the 7th lap of our 10 lap main. I couldn't quite make it past him. I could cut in on the inside and get up even with him but he would just walk away on the straight. Need more power! I really tried to make it stick coming into turn 3 of the last lap figuring it was now or never, had a little bobble, ran wide, and Kory F. (my new nemesis) slipped past me on the inside. Fourth place in my first Moto. I'll take it!
Here's onboard with my buddy Aaron, who unfortunately crashes out after a few laps. I'm high on the outside with the yellow helmet and the power rangers looking gear. 
I'm not exactly hanging it out at full lock, but I am backing it in a little bit. I am super amped up to get out there again on the 17th. Hoping to go back with more power and tires from this century. I'm really going to work at getting on the podium next time. Can't wait!
And of course the obligatory track-shot! Full on Circus Bear mode.

Overall it was an incredible weekend of riding. I got to do something I have never done and have always wanted to do, I didn't die, or blow the bike up. And I earned my first piece of hardware on two wheels.