Today and yesterday have been teardown days for the Sierra. Did about 4-5 hours yesterday, and a bit more this morning. Hope to get out and do some more later. All this work is being done in about a 2.5' space between my workbench and the truck, and a narrow walkway to the back of the truck
Other than pulling the grill, this is pretty much where I started:

Afterwards, yanked the bumper, and was reminded of why I try to buy projects out of the south. Got coated in rust. If this was anything more than a drivetrain donor, I would not have bought it. Next, was draining fluids, and I screwed up with the radiator drain and got a bit of a coolant shower. Also, while I was a mess, decided to drain the engine, and had the happy discovery that there is a drain plug in the transmission, so that got taken care of, too. A/C was empty, which wasn't a surprise. Also, tried to remove every cooler line that ran to the core support, but was not entirely successful. End of day one didn't look like much had happened:

Several of the "quick disconnect" lines didn't want to quick disconnect, so this morning, I cut the remaining lines, and set about finding the wiring connector for the core support. Had to pull up the fuse box and unscrew it from there, but the real problem was one of the clips holding it to the truck. It was damn near inaccessible. If the battery tray hadn't rusted into place, I could have pulled it, and it'd be fine. Tried yanking the ECU to get to it, but that was unsuccessful. Eventually got it out after partially pulling the fender liner. Once it was removed, I pulled the bolts for the core support that I had loosened the day before, and found about half a dozen wiring connectors and other items that were still hanging it up. After clearing them:

One of the horns fell off when the core support came off. I suspect it has been broken for a while.

Oh yeah, tech tip, if you have an open line that is slowly dripping, a finger from a used nitrile glove, and a zip tie are a great way to keep it from leaking:

I've started in on the wiring, and am going to try to get the engine harness removed today. After that, it'll be time to start figuring out anything that needs to be removed to make getting the engine out easier, as I'd like to have the actual engine/trans removal go very fast.
Anyone need a GMT800 3/4 ton core support?