Day 2 of junkyarding I hit a yard that had 3 V8 Explorers, but that did not go so well. The yard is hilly, the jacks are removed from the cars (someone died using one several years back), but most of the cars are lifted off their wheels with the usual two wheels welded together method. However, all three Explorers had rear wheels on the ground, as did a 70's Ford F-series with a 9" rear. The F-series was the only truck that was in a position to be lifted by a loader. Between this, and the ZR2s from a few months back, I am now convinced the yard people there are "saving" high demand parts for themselves to pull and sell. I did manage to at least grab a center section from a S15 grill.
The short route home was messed up due to an accident, and the alternate route ran back near the yard I hit Saturday. I was too wiped out to mess with the Explorers there after pulling the 8.5, but was doing better today. One of the trucks was on the ground, but the other was lifted up. Took me about half an hour to pull the passenger side axle, but now that I've done it once, I should be able to do it again much faster.
On the 8.8 (or 9") vs 8.5" front, I think I am happy to run the 8.5 with a mildly modded LQ4, but eventually, I will want to make enough power that it becomes a bit dicey. Not to mention, with an 8.8", I can just rebuild the trac-lok in it, whereas with the 8.5, I'd likely want to spend the money to replace the gov-lock with something more appropriate. It'll do for this year(and probably the next couple), just fine, though, if I can't source an 8.8 fast enough.
Back to another topic, though. I've always thought the grill on the GMC S15 was significantly better looking than the one on the S10, but for some weird reason, I don't really want the GMC logo on a Chevy. So, I'm experimenting a bit. I think this looks decent, but want to see if it's just my opinion, or what others think:

Obviously, the grill needs a bit of work and some repainting. I'd lean towards keeping the black and chrome mix, but am also curious how it would look if I chrome painted the whole thing. Might be interesting to see if the gold part of the Chevy logo is painted red, to match the style of the stock GMC logo.