My own fault here, slowing progress. So I'm trying to be as cheap as possible. I lost a part. And with two cars of parts I usually have extras. But not this. And it's driving me crazy why these are even missing.
On the transmission mounts there are these aluminum spacers, each mount has two. And each spacer is two pieces pressed together with a little collar.
So to start the new shell didn't have mounts with it, or I put them somewhere I can't currently find. And somehow one of the mounts from the original blue car, they aren't on. It makes no sense why I'd remove them, but they are gone.
And for a few days of searching I can't seem to find them separate from the mount. It's not terrible, plenty of used mounts on eBay for around $50 with them but it pusses me off I lost these somehow. I could just measure the space it adds and make a temporary spacer to continue progress.

Got the other mount pieces in from Jon. Thank you!
Spent a little time today in the cold. When I was taking stuff apart I thought I was keeping bolts etc. together but that wasn't the case so part of the time was rooting through bins of hardware to find stuff.
It's quite a bit higher when the transmission is in its proper place.

Also it probably would have been easier if I had the engine support bar to help support the engine so I could shift placement around.
A new one is $80 at Harbor Freight. There's a used one on marketplace for $40 but it's a 2 hour round trip to get. Or $70 for one from Amazon.
I'm half being cheap and half being practical. If I can get motivated to list more of the spare parts I have and get some $ in, then I won't mind going to get one.
Workspace help. Popped the Grom into the bus for the winter. Leaving the CRF110 in the garage to have some fun with still. Now I have a good amount of space to work with the door closed. No heat in the garage currently but a little electric heater nearby me should help.

I had an electric heater for years. In Oklahoma it wasn't adequate in the garage on cold days unless I was dressed for outdoors. Consider Kerosine or Propane if you want to be comfortable and have the car that you are working on not be cold soaked. I have a MrHeater 75000 BTU that I run on waste Jet Fuel. The garage stays as warm as I want it.

I had one of these for a while. It wasn't worth the trouble:

dan0 said:... It's quite a bit higher when the transmission is in its proper place.

If you want the transmission to sit lower, I've heard of two options.
Use Porsche 997 engine mounts in place of the 986 transmission mounts. They have a longer stud and you can use a spacer between the mount and transmission bracket.

Or cut and re-weld the brackets. I can't find pictures at the moment, but basically re-make the brackets that bolt onto the transmission to hold it lower.
I'm considering lowering it. I know the person that did a 4.2 swap definitely did. Nice to know the 996 mounts are an "easy" way to do it versus the cut and weld. Once I get everything tight in its current set up I'll start checking engine level and see how it sits then. The engine is above the current cover area, right now but may come down some.
The previous owner ran a hardtop on it and removed the soft top. So I may do the same and not worry about it sitting higher, unless I have to at some point to get mechanicals properly sorted.