I've been busy demoing what I can, and dealing with codes. They are more than reasonable, and, frankly a joy to deal with. Main permit was $25 and I've still got to apply for plumbing, and electric, but expect more of the same.

Tonight was work turning the basement back into, you know, a basement, which resulted in more of this...

I can't keep track of how many truck loads have happened so far, but it beats the holy heck-fire out of a roll off.
There's a guy at the dump, who has a perpetually rotten attitude. A while back, he kicked my truck because I was going "way too fast". I was doing maybe 10 mph. I learned on that day about the poorly posted 5 mph sign. He extensively hassled someone in my presence, and I reacted by helping the poor guy back his Forrester and trailer, as well as helping him unload (so I could get my M36M3 handled). Another day, same said individual decided it was time to change dumpsters, right as I was unloading. He spoke harsh words in my general direction.Presumably this was because he didn't like the looks of me. All the while, I am saying "Yes Sir'", and trying my best to comply. I'm simply thrilled I can take 1 truck load a day here, and not have to rent a $400 dumpster.His rotten attitude will not deter my desire to save money in the slightest. It's a mile and a half from my house, and work.
The day before yesterday, he came up aggressively (third time, with me always being polite and submissive), and got right in my face, and spoke loudly, " You didn't come see me!" Seems he wants me to check in at the "hub", despite my never being given that direction, and going through, un-hassled on several occasions.
I took two steps forward, and asked if he'd kindly give me instructions on how I was to conduct myself at the dump, as I seemed to always find a way for him to get upset. I said I missed the 5 mph sign, but was respecting it now that I knew, was willing to follow any rule proposed, but suggested he lay them all down for me, so I could comply. I admit, I was aggressive, because I was on my third run-in with the fellow, and had witnessed several other such incidences.
We ended shaking hands, and talking of the importance of a positive attitude at work. I'll check in in the future, and hopefully make a friend of my first adversary in this fair city. Much like in grammar school, once I got in his E36M3, he calmed right down.
In other news, the tool I bought myself for absolutely no good reason, and with zero justification got loosely set up.

I did say this thread was a new shop/house/life, right?