I spent days circling around my prey...down to the basement to get wires out of the way, back up top to whittle some more floor into kindling, down stairs supporting plumbing and gas lines, both my own, and PO's mess...until I swooped in for the kill, or at least first real contact with the enemy.

Those two floor joists need to be sistered, partially replaced, and supported from below. I have a plan, involving lots of pressure treated lumber, shelves, expanded access to the poo-pump, and future sump pump. It all affects the others, and I've finally got a course forward. Floor and sub-floor are both coming out of the upstairs bathroom, which should get me at least close to level with the hardwood in the hallway, once floor, hardy board, and tile are in. It will all make sense in the future.
Here's another shot of the carnage.

So, yeah, once I started cutting, I realized that rather than sistering, making a patch job and what-not, the right way to fix this situation would be to replace those entire floor joists.

First thing, I built a hanger.
Then slid the joists in.

I had to slide them clear of the live electric lines, and back into place.

I cut them 1-1/2" short so they'd actually go in...

, but sistered the exterior joist after it was all in position. The blocks in between allowed me to ease everything into place, and keep it all at the correct 16" on center. This was an SOB solo, but I got it done.

Then the two joists were home. I'm beat, and calling it a night.
There was about 16" of existing floor these had to go under, which made it a pain in the rectum, but progress is progress.
Slow going, what with trying to do the edges neatly, not screw anything up, etc.

Not to mention, avoiding falling through, and all that. Sawzalls are indeed lovely, but they are a crude, blunt instrument at best. I'm forging ahead, at an admittadely slow pace.

Not much time tonight, but I recognized a need. Hence this contraption. Bonus points to anyone who guesses its function.

Got the floor blocked up,

and 2/3 of the bathroom floor down.

I'm using 3/4" outdoor plywood, and lots of lateral supports. It is slow going, as these old joists are twisted, and out of square. Also, I use screws on everything, so when I screw stuff up, I can take it apart again.
In reply to wvumtnbkr :
Nope, but I like the way you think.
Its gotta be for holding joists somehow. Ir plumbing from joists.
In reply to wheelsmithy :
Plus 2 on screws for everything. Not only removable without damage, but they don't pop out on their own a few years down the road. My house is pre 1900, I don't know how much older, but there was never a square corner, and the floor joists vary from 14.25 to 17.75 apart. You have it a little easier
In reply to Dusterbd13-michael :
wheelsmithy said:
Not much time tonight, but I recognized a need. Hence this contraption. Bonus points to anyone who guesses its function.

Template to cut holes for plumbing and wiring in the joists, maybe?
In reply to ShawneeCreek :
Nice thought, but no. Hint:It is to significantly ease something pretty sucky to do solo. Something I'm doing now.
Ok, It is a drywall/plywood sheet carrier. Much needed for my oldness/feebleness.

Comes in handy, as almost everything gets cut downstairs, and the only paths up/down are long, or treacherous.
Ok. I see it now. The speed holes in the top were throwing me. Handy. Carrying sheet goods solo is always a pain.
I got the hardieboard down, and started layouts for plumbing penetrations and the like. Just a touch of framing, too.

And scored a vanity cabinet at Habitat for Humanity. A cool $17.83.

Of course, it is a 3', and I have a 5' top, but I'll work that out. Considerable work is required (new back, floor, and stretch it to 5', for example), but it is real wood, and the price was right.
Lots continues to happen. Work every day, but I recognize a tendency on my part to go a bit micro, and so, I have refrained from posting several pictures that essentially look the same.

Wall framing is basically done in the bathroom.
I've been building floor support that doubles as shelves in the basement. Pressure treated for the possibility of future flooding.

And here's a shot of the underside of the bathroom floor for no reason whatsoever.

Apologies for the blurry. I'm crap at photos, as well as other things.
Today went better than expected.
I got the 4" from the trunk line run to the terlit, and a fairly solid plan of what's to come.

This E36 M3 is not easy solo, but it got done, thanks to the magic of tie downs. Lots and lots of tie downs.

Still at it.

So that's all the "out" handled, except for the top couple of feet to get the vent through the roof. Gotta do a new flashing, enlarge the hole in the roof, likely shingles for that. It's been rainy, so, will have to wait.
As long as I'm in there, I did new frost-free hose bibs, adding an outdoor hot, in hopes of making pressure washing dirty crap more effective.

Wouldn't those be tie ups?

What isn't shown is how I did all this two, maybe three times before I was satisfied, Crimped, and mis-crimped connections, nor are the hundreds of trips up, and down ladders and stairs. I believe I am ready for inspection, save one thing: the roof penetration for the "stink stack" That's on tomorrow's agenda.
Well, it isn't much, but a milestone none the less.

That 32" piece of PVC marks the end of plumbing necessary before inspection. The goal was to have it inspected yesterday, but what are you going to do?
There were 4 spare shingles in the lean-to, and I used two to get this done. More work continues behind the scenes, but only the worthwhile stuff makes it into the thread. Cheers.
Big day for weekend warriors!
I passed. Some end caps and plugs leaked some, and I got a sanitary T the wrong way around in the attic venting, but the inspector said it was fine. I'll pull them all apart, add more tape dope, and tighten them like they owe me money.
Also, we are slowly winning the war on carpenter bees with my handy $0 traps (that I totally copied from somewhere).

Holiday weekend update.
I took Thursday off for the plumbing inspection. My special lady friend got here a couple of hours after that. We drove together to Middle TN, had a nice meal, some martinis, and got a U-Haul in the AM Friday. 26'er (or thereabouts). With the help of my Mom, and a good friend from our extended family, we got SLF's house all but vacant. In the THREE YEARS this move has taken so far, her house has picked up 20k in value, and according to our trusted realtor, needs ZERO work before going on the market.
Saturday, we two got back here, and unloaded by ourselves, with only a HF dollie and some tie-downs as allies. We're both sore today. Still, I felt like I had to accomplish something, so I did this:

It was a juniper bush, growing way too close to the front walkway, and we hacked the crap out of it to have a clear path for all SLF's E36 M3.
I apologize for the lack of action/during shots, but I had no one around to hold my beer, so the above will have to suffice.
Booty I got to bring on this trip: Cylinders for my torches and Tig setup, my beloved record player and all my records, my camping gear, lots of books, and a crap load of past GRM issues.
Rockin' Good News.