Progress continues, but Not necessarily stuff that photographs well.
My Special Lady Friend sold her house. This affords sorely needed budgetary breathing room. She's still on the job hunt, so we haven't reached the shore yet, but can breathe a little easier.
The war on vegetation continues. This lot has about twenty years of neglect to be dealt with.

That green stuff on top of the shed has taken the roof. I severed all its ties to real ground, and it appears to be dying. We'll see if that quarter of the shed roof needs new shingles soon. It's not leaking, but I'm not hopeful of them being savable. Time will tell.
We got a new, electric water heater (Rheem 50 gal) to go in the basement. With the newly freed up $ from home sales, we're going to hire an electrician, and once that's handled, can start putting drywall up, and moving forward at a better clip.
We got a 0% credit card for the bathroom tile, and I still need to put that down, and finish framing in there, then full speed ahead on the electricity.
I have to pull another plumbing permit for the new water heater, but that's the breaks. I didn't know where we were headed with that until very recently.
We also shopped gas ranges, and the local gas company has 0% financing to be rolled into our gas bill, and a close-out on last year's models that will get us a sweet range for cheap. I'll have them cap off the gas water heater, take a look at the gas log, and generally, give the whole system the once over twice at the same time.
Meanwhile, I have been rebuilding the lean-to.

Core filling the top run of block, filling the rest with rocks, old bricks, beer cans, and the like. It's about 3" out of square over 14'. Close enough, it's a lean-to.
More to come