Now that I have breakers, I am much emboldened for electrical work.

Lame, but necessary. I've been going through replacing a hodgepodge of plugs and switches with new. This includes ditching 2 prong, ungrounded outlets, moving and re-snakeing various stuff, and general tidying.
The laundry room got some love:

This is all goofy. One switch controls a ceiling vent, the other, floodlights catty-corner outside the house. It all worked, so I just did conduit to hide the crap. The outlet on the wall was inside a demo'ed wall the other side of that 4X4. Again, Occam's razor dictated I just move E36 M3, and try to go with the flow.
Another goofy remnant of many re-modelings past was 3-way switches that made no sense.
Prime example, a 3-way downstairs hooked (improperly) to the switch upstairs controlling outdoor floodlights. This meant, if the switch in the basement was up, the switch in the dining room operated outdoor lights normally, if down, not at all. Please note, there is a mudroom between said dining area and the great outdoors. I struggled a bit, but eventually aborted the nonsensical switch below.
Added bonus: I made room for the dining room light switch. Hard to explain, but many of those walls I tore down contained electrons that have to find new paths.
I'm still a bit green on house wiring, but I'm getting it.
Bonus #2, I fixed a light in the kitchen. Bad switch. Now, instead of two non-functional lights in there, we have one of each. The other one doesn't function, because, well, there's no light there. Only wires.