This won't be so much of a build thread as it will be a maintenance log for myself and anyone else wondering how bad of an idea it really is to DD a 25 year old Corvette. Some of ya'll may remember this this thread where I asked for suggestions and opinions about my next daily driver. Well, my P71 finally sold and I've got a shiny new (old) toy to play with.
I'd been watching this car on CL for a while, and had even texted the guy, but it was 250 miles away and at $5k, a little out of my price range. Finally a couple Fridays ago, I called the guy up and he told me about the car. After listening to all of the problems it had, I told him that it sounded like a little bit more of a project than I was looking for. The rear fender was cracked,check engine light was on, low coolant light would come on randomly, headlights didn't work right, climate control was broken, etc. Before I hung up though, I asked how much he would let it go for, expecting to maybe have a couple hundred knocked off. Instead, he told me that he was actually getting ready to relist it for $4k. I decided for that price, it was worth a look.
Now, for those who read my "what car" thread, my budget was around $3k. This however, was a 6 speed LT1 car with under 110k. I was willing to stretch my budget a bit for that. I grabbed my tools, rented a car, stopped at the bank, and headed south towards Virginia around 1 pm. On a Friday. On a route that took me right by Washington DC. My 3 hour drive turned into a 5 hour drive, with my blood pressure rising with every second I sat in traffic.
When I got there, the car looked about like I expected, which honestly was a good thing. It was far from perfect, but it looked decent and ran well. Sure the dash was lit up like a Christmas tree, but heck, I aint skeered. I had a good feeling about it. So we made the deal, he signed the title over, and I set off back home, on his personalized plates and insurance. It was really nice of him to allow me to do that. I'm not so trusting. Which reminds me, I still need to send his plates back.
The drive back was mostly uneventful. The car ran well and gave me no problems. I made the drive back in about 3.5 hours, and breathed a sigh of relief as I pulled into my parking space.
Now, you may be asking yourself, why would I buy a car with so many problems when I was looking for a solid daily driver? What can I say, I really had a good feeling about it. Not just that though. The car did have brand new tires, a new clutch, a new $1200 Alpine system, and did I mention 6 speed LT1? I also got the original window sticker, which I thought was pretty cool.
Over the next couple days I started digging into things a bit. The non working headlights? The more I used them the better they got. I put some brake fluid in it, and the brake light on the dash went out. I put some coolant in it, and whaddya know, no more low coolant light. The check engine light was a bit more complicated. I had to order an $18 temp sensor and spend 10 minutes changing it. Presto! No more dash lights!
That brings us to where I am now. I just dropped it off at my buddy's shop to get inspected. There's still a long list of maintenance items to do, but hopefully right now I'll be able to drive it and not get stranded anytime soon. I'll be using this thread to document the work I do and what it takes to keep one of these things going. Now on to the pics, if I can figure out how to get them to work. Most of these are from the seller, as I haven't had time for any decent pics.
The damage