So, since the last update there hasn't been much mechanical action, just a rear pad change on the Disco 3 before a long trip up North for work, but as it coincided with Easter I took the family.
I got up at 4am having only had 3 hours sleep (kids didn’t sleep well, wife went out with her mates until nearly 02:00), to get on with everything, the intention was to leave at 05:00. We eventually got on the road just before 06:00, escaped Lima relatively easily and were breakfasting North of Lima around 08:00. We then found out that the day before a landslide had wiped out a section of the road through the mountains, leaving a 20m deep valley in it’s place, so we had to re-route a couple of hours further North, thankfully with very little traffic, and nice scenery:

...before turning inland, however the first 30 miles or so (after turning East) of this route had never been fully repaired from the damage sustained last year, so we had a 15/20mph average for that first section (very rocky and pot-holed, and only single track in places as the rains had washed away the shoulders of the road). Sorry folks no pics from this bit, I completely forgot. By the time the road surface improved, we’d started to climb into the fog, and then got stuck behind a couple of HGVs – impossible to overtake, couldn’t even see the far end of the HGV. Blah blah etc etc. Having got past the summit finally, we started descending, the fog cleared and the heavens opened, torrential rain, creating several dramatic waterfalls and watersplashes (right about here first of all my son decided he wanted to vomit, and realised my coat was buried, so I had to jump out in just a T shirt in torrential rain. 20 minutes later my daughter decided she really really had to wee, so then Paul got even more soaked). Then in the space of 30 minutes we had two suspension failure warnings, for having to reinflate one of the airbags too often. Suspension still worked so we carried on, eventually getting to our destination at 18:00, 12 hours on the road. Bleurgh. Here is where we stayed, the old farmhouse on the main farm for my work (you can see some of our Blueberries on the lower hillside in the background, and yep, that's my old Mazda, he was very thankful for the suspension work I did, especially the longer springs!):

Whilst we were up there visiting, we went up to 3850 masl, an hour and a half up a rocky pot-holed track in the Huascaran National Park to the Llanganuco lakes, very picturesque, and I even found some mud to play in:

....but accompanied by another 2 warnings of suspension failure, one a repeat of the previous warning, the other for a corner valve stuck open.. During all this, the local authorities were throwing together a Bailey Bridge over the 20m chasm, so we could at least take the 'short' route back to Lima, on our return only taking 10 hours..
It looks like the right front air bag is leaking - when I put it up to full height I got a very loud ppsssshhhhhhtttt from that bag on one occasion, but not consistently - anyways I suspect they need changing. Those front airbags are very close to the exhaust manifolds on the 4.0 V6 version, and the amount of heat that comes billowing out of the front arches even in winter is considerable, so I suspect they've cooked. Unfortunately it could also do with new rear dampers, and the Jeep needs tyres, thermostat, that same breather hose I still haven't replaced, fuel injector (on a hot start she struggles to start and dumps unburnt fuel out of the exhaust, the PO said one injector 'may not be 100%') and / or O rings on the right bank (on closer inspection I can see instant gasket all over the the injectors on the right bank, it looks like someone's had the fuel rail off, and put it back on with sealant....!!). Argh, it's going to be an expensive few months.
The Jeep also has an odd characteristic. At low speed on rough surfaces (pot holed tracks etc), the back end oscillates side to side horribly, almost like a low speed Death Wobble but at the rear. The rear upper balljoint is new as are the A arm bushes. I'm sure the lower arm bushes aren't great, but I've got no rear steer on and off throttle, which I'd expect if they were really bad. Anything over around 30mph and it doesn't do it. I'm starting to wonder if it's the tyres - they were made 2011, and in the UV levels here I've seen tyres go bad in 3 years, let alone 7. On top of that they're 265/65 R17 (Yokohama Geolandar ATs), standard is 235/65 R17, I can see witness marks on the front LCAs, inner arches, and rear dampers, I wonder if all that extra 7 year old rubber in the sidewall is letting it flop around everywhere. Finally, this WJ had the Up Country package from new, but the dampers fitted whilst fairly new, are Monroe OESpectrum, which are only for the standard (lower/softer) suspension, so I wonder if they're slightly outside of their comfort zone.
Any Jeepers here that have an opinion on that little lot?