Hello all. I am not sure if the title of this thread is appropriate given that this won't have a build year or make. But never the less, I think this is going to be interesting.
Since I attend the race track a few times a year, there is usually a bit of walking involved during the day. I don't mind it so much, but my wife says that too much walking aggravates her hip after a while. So, I think I have a solution. Some guys have golf carts, some use pit bikes, and have even seen 4 wheelers. All of these are a little on the pricey side and none are really my style. So, if you can't find what you want, time to build it!!
Been buying a few parts here lately and I am slowly coming up with a plan. I want something like a mini bike but faster and more interesting. But I don't want something as unstable as a barstool racer. My goal is to give my wife something to cruise around and have fun on, but not kill her. I plan to have more parts in the coming weeks because it has been all that I have been thinking about here lately. I want to start cutting and grinding so bad I can't stand it!! Here is the parts that I have so far. This project is one that I am going to enjoy.
New Reader
1/21/17 8:30 p.m.
will keenly await updates, i love go karts! but a kawzaki ninja powered one a couple of years ago, an it was the best thing in the world! karts are so much damn fun regardless how much power they have
Have an engine picked out yet?
Where's the best cheap source for all those goodies you've accumulated there?
Well I found the rear axle shaft on Amazon. The pillow blocks were at Northern Tool. And the tires I got locally at Outlaw Kart Supply or outlawkartsupply.com. These were not very cheap, together they have totaled about $300. But I found the hubs in a set of 4 for about $40 at BMI kart supply. I have looked high and low for places to buy some of this stuff and the web in crawling with places to buy tons of this stuff. But in my research hear lately, they seem to be have almost all of what I am going to need. And they are very reasonable in prices. Some of the kart stuff out there look really cheap and most are priced accordingly. I have decided to buy the more expensive, nicer looking, parts but not the full all out shifter kart stuff. I have been trying talk myself into the more reasonable motor choice, being an inexpensive Harbor Freight 6.5 hp motor. But for some reason this is foreshadowed by the more appealing 13 hp for a mere $250 more. I have been doing the math and choosing the sprocket sizes wisely, it should still only top out at about 30 mph. This may sound completely ridiculous, absurd, and you've lost your f*@&ing mind. But the plan is not to be constantly trying to break the sound barrier. But more along the lines of putting around and doing short full throttle pulls when the wild hair comes around. As the weeks go on and more parts come in I will be taking lots more pictures. So we'll see how this all turns out. I can't wait!
Considered one of these:
So I have made some progress this week. Not a lot but some. The frame is welded together and axle is installed. [URL=http://s829.photobucket.com/user/YOTA81UNDERTHEKNIFE/media/go%20kart_zpsffdskrkz.png.html]
Should have more parts in the near future.
Finally found some time to get back started on this little project. I didn't have both wheels at this point, so I had lots of math to do. I got 1 wheel in the mail and did some measuring and seems to be real close. My other front wheel should be delivered this week so I can do a final check on the front end and steering. Bought some Asuza spindles from Amazon and a couple of heim joints and adjustable tubes here locally. Once I have both front wheels, I am going to put everything back together again. Then time to double check all of my measurements again. I still have some welding on the underside of the front plate where I did a half cut so I could bent it easier. But that is work for this weekend.[URL=http://s829.photobucket.com/user/YOTA81UNDERTHEKNIFE/media/untitled_zpsci4rbrdv.png.html]
Oh I like! Im am planning on building a replica board track racer as soon as I get a garage to work in. Was going to use it at the track if my dad ever finishes his race car.
Check out this forum, especially the Clone and Predator sections for motor building tips. I have a HF 212 that makes between 10-12 hp with a header and open filter and a clone 196, with the same mods but I added a cam, and it is closer to 15 hp.
A friend of mine used to be a product rep/consultant for Azusa. He helped develop their "Supercart" concession cart IIRC. He's actually how I got into motorsports.
Through him I ended up maintaining a fleet of Honda 5.5hp carts for a couple years.
A Honda 5.5hp geared for 30 mph on the stock governer would be a royal dog off the line. I doubt the HF 6.5hp would be much better. (if at all)
Most concession carts are geared to max out at 18 mph for insurance reasons. We had one that had the governor modified and the exhaust uncorked so it would wind up a little more and it did well over your 30 mph target on the same gearing.
It was primarily for display so it only ran a few times a week ran around the track a couple times and put away. So I have no clue what that does to longevity. (It couldn't be run during business hours for insurance reasons)
One quick note that you've probably already realized, but just in case you haven't. I see you're running a typical kart solid axle. That sucker is going to push like crazy when you're trying to turn. Racing karts are designed to flex and lift the inside rear wheel at speed to reduce that affect. With slow speeds of what you'll be doing, that sucker may be really, really hard to turn at low speeds (and at higher ones). I'd consider making one of the hubs free wheeling to reduce that affect.
rob_lewis I have thought about that. And I have riden some 4 wheelers and they haven't seemed too bad. But I have noticed what you are talking about. I was hoping that with as light I think this will be (much heavier that a race kart) and having the tire aired up pretty high that some of this might be minimized a little. I did also buy the hardest compound tires.
I am also going to check out the form mention above. While I am generally a car guy and seem to be very mechanical, I am really new to the kart stuff. I haven'd looked at any kart stuff lately but I am curious about some of the modifications. It may turn out that I make a modification, then have to change the gear. Make another mod, then change the gear again. And so on. Which this sounds a lot like Hot Rodding. But after the initial expense, most mods or changes are very minimal in price.[URL=http://s829.photobucket.com/user/YOTA81UNDERTHEKNIFE/media/446ef4b778686ad595a96294e66adc54_zpskmtjudqb.jpg.html]
This a little more along the lines of my inspiration. However the box on this is about the size of a 30 pack. And that is way too small!! The sensible side of me is saying that 30mph is going to be way to fast on something that looks too unstable. But the 30mph pulls are probably going to be done by me and not my wife. Or so I think. She may prove me wrong and throw down some hard pulls and I will probably kill the gear to a lower max speed. We'll see.
Gear changes on a kart that you have to remove the axle sucks. But, you might look into split gears which makes it a little easier.
I've learned that racing karts are MUCH different than cars and you really have to rethink. For example, not enough grip? Then NARROW the back end? Need more grip for rain? Raise the driver, thereby raising the center of gravity. etc.
I've got years of racing kart experience if I can help.
So it's been a cool minute since my last post, and there has been a lot going on in the DEATHTRAP camp. But,.. I would like to think that I have been ever vigilant in pursuit in find something new to hurt myself with. I have cut, ground, and shaped and steering wheel shaft mount and a steering arm for the tie rods to connect to the steering shaft. I have also mounted and fully welded in a steering tower in the past few days. I ordered some bronze bushings and some collars to keep the shaft from just flopping around. Once the steering wheel mount and steering arm are welded on, I should have a fully functional steering system. My next purchases are going to be a sprocket and rotor with hubs. Then I really need to decide on and purchase a motor. Tons of ideas are floating around in my head right now, but I have to stay focused. One step at a time. [URL=http://s829.photobucket.com/user/YOTA81UNDERTHEKNIFE/media/gp%20kart/20170307_142015_zpseok19c4p.jpg.html]
I have full steering now. Well except for the steering wheel. And I can finalize that when I set the motor and seat in their final location. But for now, I will stand back and appreciate my efforts. It is slowly looking like a trip to the hospital,...slowly.[URL=http://s829.photobucket.com/user/YOTA81UNDERTHEKNIFE/media/20170311_072453_zpssghqpnfy.jpg.html]
Kart steering geometry explained-3 wheel motion
The first link I found. There are probably others that tell you how to figure out the optimum numbers.
With just a little bit more welding done, I have finally got my little cart into a roller. Still need to weld on the tab for the steering wheel, it's just sitting on there. I have decided to go with my better judgment and get the smaller 6.5 hp Predator motor. I have set the ice chest on top to get the feel of the steering wheel placement and to get a visual of just how high the seat would be. My intension is to set the seat height high enough that should I desire the larger motor, I should be have enough room to not have to modify the seat. But for now I am happy. Every time I look at this, I keep thinking "This thing is going to be fun!" [URL=http://s829.photobucket.com/user/YOTA81UNDERTHEKNIFE/media/20170409_092913_zpsx4ly6mgx.jpg.html]
4/11/17 5:55 p.m.
I was just wondering about this last week! Looks like a dangerous blast
Looks good and I think the 6.5hp are on sale this month for an even $100 so if you know that's what you want id go ahead and pick up the motor and save $20.
Or just go with the 125cc dirt bike motor and have some gears and a clutch!

I am ready for the motor now, but my house says that I should be tending to it first. Which is probably the best thing in reality. But I did order a brake rotor and rotor hub this morning. 1 more small piece to the puzzle. And I did get the steering wheel hub welded this week so I can bolt on my steering wheel and sit on it and make motor noises in the dark. I can imagine that I am carving the corners at the Nurburgring. And at about turn 23, I get punted into the trees by a delivery van. At least that's the sarcastic vibes that my wife puts into my imaginary tales. But I was crushing it up until then!
As I've been looking at this kart, I got the idea to have something other than foot pegs. So I thought of something like some 4 wheelers have, the nets instead of pegs. But a little nicer and a little more eye pleasing. So I went out and got some square tubing, and started notching away. Bent it into shape and stitched up the slots. Going to have to cut them down some, but I think it will make this way more comfortable. I will have more done to them this weekend, and maybe even welded on. So here is a little bit of a visual.[URL=http://s829.photobucket.com/user/YOTA81UNDERTHEKNIFE/media/20170430_113951_zpsgdpxvy4z.jpg.html]
And now with the side pieces cut and notched, they fit pretty tight. I think they will work out great. I have clearance from the back tires and with the front tires at full turn. It is clamped right now, but should be all welded in this weekend if I don't run out of shielding gas. I plan to add a couple more tubes on the inside of the square tubing for added strength. [URL=http://s829.photobucket.com/user/YOTA81UNDERTHEKNIFE/media/20170509_175620_zpsauatp3ff.jpg.html]