Time for an update! Basically a photo dump.
Got the 19mm bolt off the front, as well as the 54mm on the rear both with my cousins 1/2 drive impact drill. A little concerned on how loose that means the rear flywheel nut was, but I mean, it was cheap. Really cheap.
Next I went shopping (read dumpster diving) and found a perfect engine stand (home depot bucket), and started pulling apart the engine. Flywheel key gave me some grief, otherwise it was pretty smooth sailing.
Survey says: At the very least, one rotor housing and one rotor are completely unusable.

The rotor looks even worse. If that's possible. Yes that's apex seal completely wedged into the groove there.

The front cover is probably ok for my purposes, and the midplate is also equally ok. I think. Rear rotor and housing actually look pretty dang solid.
Here is the front cover. One small lip enough to catch a fingernail, then a sizable gouge near the exhaust port. Usable?

The rear housing and plate both look great. After reading through quite a few rebuild threads, I feel confident in using them. Also, after some cleaning, the rear rotor is good to fo as well.
Would like some weigh in. To my eye, at minimum for reassembly I need:
- Front housing
- Front rotor
- New soft seals
- New apex seals at least for new rotor, might as well get enough for both, included in that are springs and corner seals/springs
- New outer oil rings
- I've read on rx7club that reusing side seals is ok, I kept my in their original places. But I'd want new springs.
- Various gaskets (oil pan gasket etc.)
I know I'm missing a lot of other things too, but it's a pretty long (more like expensive) list.
Some thoughts. This chassis/body is really bad. I mean like $350 car bad. Frame rails are more dented then a skateboarders shins. And flimsy too. Setting it down on jack stands you can watch it bend around them. Just thinking about whether or not it would be worth keeping around or just scrapping anything not worth money at this point. Rebuilding the motor and putting it back into this pile doesn't sound very appealing. If anyone has any better ideas let me know!