People can be hard on cars...and do strange things to them.
My best guess is that this car has been sitting in various states of disassembly for a long time.
Possibly since the late 80's
The tires are dated 2002 and are "new", they have never seen a mile.
The newest money that I've found was a dime from 1986.
I'm going to check the date codes on the two low beam headlights.. they have been replaced.
But here's the thing about the headlights... they are standard sealed beams, not halogens.
So I won't be surprised if they have early or mid eighties date codes.
So few things appear to have been changed... so consider if you will that the car was possibly last used circa 1989.
That's 20 years on the road, and 35 off. The title says 106,000 ish which matches the speedometer.
Add to this that since Ive removed the old calipers, I can feel detent's in the front wheel bearings. Probably from corrosion. I can also tell you the rear half shafts had set into a similar state, not frozen, but clearly gummy stiff with a preferred position.
The car is 55, and I'm 53. We share a feeling for having both moved too much over the years and then again recently, not enough. In that way we are good for each other. Getting her moving, keeps me moving.
In those short 20 years, she was yellow from the factory, then blue, and then yellow again. When she was blue I think she was a bit more on the custom side. Im just guessing at that... and that guess is based on this:
Remeber how the drivers mirror was in the wrong place, close to but not quite in the location for a '68? Well kids, there's more.
All of the emblems are in the wrong place. Possibly the blue paint job was a custom look, and the emblems were removed and the holes sealed?
The hood ornament, it just looks wrong.

Annnd yep! The OEM holes were filled. you can see the OEM holes about a cm closer to the bumper and a few mm to the left.

Same with both of the Stingray emblems. Bondo pigtails show the OEM holes.

The emblem is about an inch low on both sides.

And I saved the worst for last...
Check out how crooked the CORVETTE letters are...

Yeah its bad...

So I'm guessing that when it went back to yellow... they just guessed at where the trim should go... lol.