As the title says, this is the first car I will be building and chances are it will end up being the only one I get to build. For that reason, I want to make sure I do everything right and being that I’ve never done this before I’m totally lost as to what I should do. For basic info that I can give, I have an old IROC-Z that will serve as the car I’m going to build up to be my little toy for as long as I will be allowed to have it. For what I want to do, I want it to make 600-650 horsepower and torque somewhere around that too with a new LS engine (whichever you believe would be best for me) Being that it’s just a car for me to have fun with, I’m not taking it to a local strip or track racing so quarter mile times aren’t something I’m super concerned with. I want the car to still be comfortable and sound mean, if that’s possible. Given this, can anyone with experience in car building give me a detailed list of things I should do? Or really the basics, but what I really want/need to know is what else other than the engine should I be changing in this car? Also, will $45000-$50000 (excluding paint job and interior for the car) be enough money for it all? I’ve read that building gets expensive so I tried to save up a large amount to make sure I didn’t take short cuts. Any help is appreciated because I truly am at a loss for where to even start lol.