Enough resting. Sunday I was up and back at it, bright and early. I figured I could get a few hours in before the kids woke up, so out I went.
First things first, I pulled the spare tire hoist out of its electrolysis bath.

I thought it looked pretty good, but still could use some work.
Check out the sacrificial steel though, woof!

I put it back in, with the jumpers connected to the other side of the hoist, but of course I was careless and hooked things up backwards, so nothing happened...

The negative goes to the part you want the rust OFF of.
Here's how it looked when I pulled it out today:

bleh. I'll wire whip it from there.
Going back a bit: Having the hoist soaking, i again decided to go full "Captain Distract-o" and go after the ignition system. I have an MSD Blaster coil and some wires that I purchased a few years ago (while troubleshooting ignition issues) and figured now was as good of a time as any to install them!

I went in and got everything taken apart, only to find
(dun dun dun!)

I need a ballast resisitor!
What? This was completely new to me!!! Not the "needing parts I didnt have" part, that's pretty normal. The part where I bothered to read the instructions! What the heck am I doing, and why? This thing gets a positive wire, a negative wire, and a distributor wire. Why did I even bother unfolding the paper???
Well, I figured if I was bothering to read the instructions then I might as well follow them. I put everything back together, and only ended up changing the distributor cap and rotor. Boo... (resistor on order, eta is late july)
Needing a win, a decided I'd go after that pilot bearing and then I'd install the clutch and that freshly re-surfaced flywheel. I remembered a trick I once saw where someone used a grease gun to pack in a bunch of grease behind the pilot bearing and then would whack in a socket extension through the center to pop the bearing out.
I sourced an extension that looked like it would work:

But could not find my grease gun ANYWHERE!
I know I've just seen this darn thing. I have it wrapped in a white plastic bag because it drips everywhere when I leave it out. I dug in, through, and under everything! The darn thing must have grown legs and walked away, because it's NOWHERE to be found. That really bothered me more than it should have...
But no biggie, I've got a tube of crappy grease so I figured I'd just try to feed it in by hand.

Except that didn't work. I got grease around the bearing, I got grease under the bearing, I got grease all over me, but I didn't get grease anywhere near where I wanted it 
Strike two...
STILL not wanting to quit on a loss, I decided now would be a good time to remove the bake master cylinder (even though I cant install a new one because the front calipers are still removed) because :

and Ta-da!

After that, there was nothing left for me to do except things I was actually supposed to be doing so I had no choice but to go after those "practice bolts" in the passenger hub assembly.
I thought I had my drill sizes figured out, but I ended up drilling the first hole way too big for my small "easy outs"

(yeah, whoever named those "easy outs"never had to use them...)
I ended up getting both bolts out, though, so I was pretty happy about that.
Good times.
(end, day 4)