Thursday morning.
What was that I was saying about "needing my sleep", and did anyone think to tell my brain?
After going to bed around 9:30 last night, my brain decided I was wide awake at 2am... By 2:30 I was making coffee on my way out to the garage. It was raining 

Admittedly I'm a bit of a space case at this ungodly hour, but this is one of those mornings where I could tell that there was no way I was going to go back to sleep
After getting everything opened up, I tried to think of ANYTHING I could do that didn't involve removing the intake manifold... All I came up with was the differential fluids:

It seems like for every one thing I check off my list, 5 more appear, but it was nice to cross something off for a change.
It all makes sense though when I thought about it. I start working now, need something tomorrow, order it, and wait a month for it to get here. During that month of waiting, I've probably started a dozen more things so logic dictates that there are a dozen more months that I'll be waiting on things to arrive! So I start new things, and the cycle repeats.
If you're wondering, I wasn't stoned. I was here:

We've all been "here". It's a tight spot where "better" tools don't fit, so you're left with a bolt removal that moves at a speed of about 1/8 turn at a time.
so your mind wanders... your eyes wander... You're looking around... this task is so trivial, you don't even need to look at what you're doing...
and then you see something! Holy crap, can it be???

See it there? Next to that red switch???
It's my battery hold down!!!! Those garage punks didn't lose it after all!!!!
Now I'll be able to use that "Bill's learning to weld steel" that I was about to chop up, for "Bill's learning to weld stuff"!

They just set it somewhere stupid where you'd never see it unless you were looking directly at it!
(Also: I couldn't help but notice that the battery hold down that I was bummed about losing, was basically a smaller and crappier version of the one I was making... but still. Gotta take the wins when you can get em.)
Anyhoo, taking off the manifold is just a bunch of simple tasks that add up to one big task. The upper manifold came off pretty easily. Just remove the vac rack, label a few hoses and wires, and then you're in to the lower manifold removal.
For the lower manifold, I figured I'd remove the t-stat housing first when disaster attempted to strike (sorry for the blurry pics)

Two-turns out, this bolt started to bind. I was really not in the mood to have another broken, bent, cross threaded, or otherwise goofed up fastener in this darn engine, so I decided the best course of action was to spray under it with WD40 while working it back and forth.
Eventually it came out, and it brought a few of it's favorite threads with it!

This is how I know GRM is upping my game. It may seem simple, but back in the day I would have just muscled through and buggered everything up. When it didn't go back together I would have said something along the lines of "well, this thing is junk!" and that would have been it... Same with that head bolt I have yet to get out.
Anyhoo, from there it was just a lot of un-routing wires to get things down to a bare lower intake....

I'm getting that nagging feeling that I'm in danger of getting in over my head at this point (pun intended) but figure that if I can tear apart an Alfa and put it back together 5-year later, I should be fine.
Here's how she looks without wires and hoses:

Except she will not budge when I try to break that lower intake loose.
I'm whacking with my soft mallet, I've checked all the bolt holes twice, that fuel rail is NOT holding anything back, the darn thing is moving slightly... what the heck is going on???
Well... I'm glad you asked!
When I felt around under the fuel rail, I felt a nub that HAD to be another 12mm bolt. Except I couldn't see it very well, and I couldn't get a socket on it. When I took OFF the fuel rail (I was hoping to avoid having to do that), this is what I found:

I was gutted. 
2-hours I've been out here tinkering at a nice, relaxed pace all morning and nothing had gone catastrophically wrong yet, and here I was thinking I'm going to hit my next major landmark today (that would be: intake and exhaust manifolds removed) and now I'm looking at ANOTHER potential bolt that's going to have to be drilled out of this damn thing...
Luckily I was angry enough that I went straight to muscle instead of trying to be intelligent about things...

I clamped those nut-rounders on there as hard as I could possibly get them, and when I went to crank it on over, the bolt went with.
Thank goodness for vice grips.
After that fiasco, I decided not to push my luck any further. It's time to stuff a sock in it, take a shower, and get to work.

Good times