So I had the entire week off last week, but no matter how hard I tried, I just couldnt get a solid day in at the house or under the truck. If I was at the house, I was getting interrupted by the police saying I needed to come down to pick up my transmission (oh, hey! I got my transmission back)

(exactly how I was expecting it to be returned...)
If I was under the truck, I was getting calls from the water service provider that they needed me over to the new house "right away" as they had to replace our water meter (but then didn't bother showing up, so I had to do it again the next day). short story long, I was getting rather frustrated with our lack of progress on either project.
Dont get me wrong, I do feel bad complaining that I got the transmission back when I had to resort to police involvement and even THEN I still had to wait a month before the shop could pony it up, but darn it I had big plans for this week. I took vacation time and everything!
Anyhoo, on Thursday, by some magic I finally got some uninterrupted truck time. Here goes:
So despite my efforts, my truck parts pile keeps getting bigger. First it was the transmission returned by the police (yay!)

and then the new transmission was delivered by the UPS guy (double yay!)

I've gotta say this about Midwest Transmissions. They rebuilt and shipped a transmission half-way around the world in half the time it took ye olde local garage to return mine in worse condition.
Back to those swaybar mounts though. We start like this:

and drill like this:

eventually we get around some of the bolts like this:

and then we smash them out of the way with a hammer and punch, like this:

Out comes the stepper bits, like this:

except they don't get very far because they hit something inside the frame, like this:

See that in there? It's a plate of somesort that's only about an inch inside the frame. It stopps my stepper bit before I can get the holes wide enough to fit the plate, like this:

So I fit a grinding bit, like this:

which was doing an amazeaballs job of making the hole wider, but still not fast enough for what I wanted... eventually I went to the hardware store and ordered a 21mm drill bit and a 25mm drill bit, like this:

wham-bam, thank you ma'am. But my drill did not like those big bits, not one bit. Even giving it cool-down time while i messed with the plates in the garage, it was still as hot as the metal chips falling on my arms (holy polkadot burn city, batman. My arm looks like i have freckles!)
Anyhoo, here it is clamped up:
(Driver's side)

(And Passenger's side)

Unfortunately, that's where we're stoping for today. I don't have the confidence yet to melt things to my truck with electric fire, so I used that last coupon I had made for the practice it was intended:

Meh. I welded, it helded.
I cut up what remained of that first 50mm bar stock I had into similar coupons and called it a day. I'm going to try to set aside another day sometime to play with those, and THEN I'll melt stuff to the truck with electric fire.
Good times.