Not sure where my old pics went. I’ll try to fix them one day.
Moving forward. Still working on the car slowly. Put in a new wide and sensor ($40 shipped from Amazon) along with a boost gauge that came with a parts car. Chasing a few gremlins but the car is running good after finding a huge exhaust leak.
I bought a taxtric cable to reflash the ECU and turn up the boosts but I was scammed instead. Working to get money back from PayPal now. Not sure if I’ll fins another it get a chipped Eprom.

In reply to randman2011 :
Thanks and yes, interested in the Tactrix and/or EPROMs. Sending a PM now.
Back and running again after being down for 4 or 5 months. New front mount inter cooler and I rebuilt the throttle body fixing some major boost leaks. Now changing the shocks/struts cause they are all blown.
Next up will be bigger injectors, fuel pump and cranking the boost. Need to learn how to tune first.

Was looking at some old pictures to restore the ones in this thread and came across this photo from 2016. It’s taken me a long time to get here (because kids, job, and life), but it’s great to take a step back and look at my work. I want to keep this car for the long haul to see what I can really accomplish.