My buddy posted on Facebook he had a Traxxas Revo and Team Associated RC18 that needed homes and he would let go for free.
I assumed they were going to need Bunches of work or something..
Oh how wrong I was..

This is what I was handed today..
I pulled everything out of the brown box and the cloth bag.....

OMG....holy spare parts Batman!
The Revo is the 1/16th Brushless one and the guy my buddy got it from had put a TON of pimpy parts on it..
So basically everything except the batteries is awesome. Batteries are a total loss. They're no good anymore.
This is going to be a fun few toys..
4/17/20 7:18 p.m.
That re o is a screen. I'm super jealous.
Ok today's project has started.. I found the owner's manual for the battery charger and have it trickle charging the NiMH packs for the Revo.

These have a shot at being recovered. Just need to trickle charger them to see. Once I'm not unemployed I will buy new lithium packs for the REVO.
I actually live less than 10 miles from Traxxas HQ, have never been up there. Will need to swing by once pandemic is over.
That is a lot of fun for free!
Well putting the 3 NiMN batteries on the Charger today seems to show that 1 battery can be salvaged. But the other 2 appear to be lost causes. I'm still going to try. But I'm focusing on the one that's getting a good volatage readout for now.
Being given good RC cars for free is like your crack dealer saying, "The first hit is free. And oh! Almost forgot! Here take these other crack rocks I bagged up for you!"
In reply to clutchsmoke :
I really don't have any interest in going heavy on the hobby anymore. But it's a fun distraction toy for around the neighborhood and at night at the track.
I used the fancy charger yesterday and have started to recover one of the NiMH packs. I got a whole 10 minutes of drive time this morning!
You're making me want to bust out the traxxas trucks and play. One needs diagnosis and repair, the others are ready to go
One of the NiMH packs has dead cells/unsolvable imbalance. Most voltage i can get it to take is 4.2V.