Mostly just a picture dumping post.
Can see now that it's ratcheted on where I got a little crooked cutting the lid out and welding the lip on. Oh well, if it needed to be perfect, someone else would have made it.
I did this to the firebox. I'm still debating how to seal the sides that don't have a lip while still making it easy to feed the fire. Stupid math.
This pretty little piece of fire extinguisher has been an accidental answer to a lot of problems I ran into on this build. Just so happens to have an OD of 4 3/16 inches, and magically (luckily) was cut at almost the perfect angle to mount almost flush with both the fire box and the cooking chamber. My magic connection piece figured out and I didn't even need a contour gage. Should be able to get a 4.25" hole saw on both parts without an issue.
This was the plate the motor and pump were mounted on. It was full of holes. Now it's full of ugly welds. This is going to be my baffle plate. I'll know for sure how it's going in once I cut the holes to connect the 2 boxes together. But I suspect it will be going uglier side up because that's how things work out for me. I tried to be fancy and use copper as a backer to fill the holes. I welded the copper to the steel on the first hole, so I freehand filled the holes and ground down the excess. Much easier that way.
The only thing not pictured so far is the chimney and the grates. I bought expanded metal for the grates, then remembered my plan for my old smoker(build thread coming next spring). It just so happens the grates from my old smoker will fit this tank perfectly, so I got that going for me.