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jimgood Reader
6/5/22 3:46 p.m.

With the close ups of the crack, I'm not really sure what part of the motor I'm looking at. Is that around an engine mount?

Mr_Asa PowerDork
6/5/22 4:36 p.m.

In reply to jimgood :

From what I remember of other pictures, passenger side, rear most cylinder.  Somewhat typical of LS cracks that start near the starter, just way worse than any.  Runs parallel to the axis of the cylinder.

jh36 Dork
6/5/22 4:39 p.m.

Correct. Here is a better shot for proximity. Look to the right of the 5.7L

jh36 Dork
6/5/22 4:40 p.m.

In reply to jh36 :

If it doesn't add too much complexity, adding a transmission mount seems like a wise move to me. 

jh36 Dork
6/5/22 5:08 p.m.

In reply to Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter) :

I'm with you. I think once it all goes back together I will "engineer" something. Probably the last thing I will do after the new engine. I haven't thought of a downside yet. 

jh36 Dork
6/5/22 6:08 p.m.
Mr_Asa said:

When you completely tear down the block, I'd very much like to see some detailed pics of how far the carnage actually got.  Be interesting to see if it is all new damage (ie, all shiny and no corrosion) or if some of it was there for a while.

I will report back. I am tempted to rip into it, but I think it will be a little more coordinated if I wait for the donor and start swapping. 

jh36 Dork
6/21/22 3:25 a.m.

Thought I'd write a note for those following along. I have secured an engine from Johnny at NineLivesRacing. So far, relay/ transport has fallen through. 
It's near Road Atlanta. I'm on the eastern shore of Maryland. 
I will be vacationing with the family in SC mid July so worse case, that's when I will grab it. 
My next steps are a little gray. I might just pop it in the car, change fluids, hook it up and see if it goes. At the least, I would swap over the oil pump/dry sump, ps and such. 
If anything alarms me, I might dive in, do a full build and wait for 2023 to swing around. 
Sort of hoping for option one.  

jh36 Dork
7/18/22 8:50 p.m.

Johnny's LS1 is now mine...I made a 10 hour round trip today while on vacation to snatch it. Bonus points for poking around Nine Lives Racing a little and finding out Johnny is a bass player. Tucking that thought away for now......

This is an engine that he knows and ran..His opinion is, take the pan off, ditch the rods, reuse the pistons and call it a day. Since I'm leaning toward getting into ST3 (10:1 p:w) that seems tight to me. I will need to actually take a few ponies off the table to make that class so the engine will be pretty understressed  

I texted Deren to see if he could work up an appropriate tune when I'm done...and wheels are in motion. 
I will document my adventures as they unfold.

In other news, I will be co-driving with Ed Punchy Wrench for the rest of this season...and this weekend we are headed to PittRace to run Spec3 with NASA. After that we will probably do NJMP and are eyeing up Roebling Road. 

Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter)
Pete Gossett (Forum Supporter) GRM+ Memberand MegaDork
7/19/22 5:41 p.m.

In reply to jh36 :


jimgood Reader
11/15/22 6:10 p.m.

When are we gonna get an update, Jack? Am I gonna have someone to race with next season or what?

I'm one to talk. My car is still in the trailer from, what was it, June? Now that Ed has my E36 out of the way, I'm rearranging my shop to make more room for GTA Camaro. It's 3 feet longer and about 8 inches wider than the E36.


HalfFast GRM+ Memberand New Reader
11/15/22 7:06 p.m.
jimgood said:

When are we gonna get an update, Jack? Am I gonna have someone to race with next season or what?

I'm one to talk. My car is still in the trailer from, what was it, June? Now that Ed has my E36 out of the way, I'm rearranging my shop to make more room for GTA Camaro. It's 3 feet longer and about 8 inches wider than the E36.


Please plan to race against the truck next season.  (If you dare)

Dusterbd13-michael MegaDork
11/15/22 7:32 p.m.

Im hoping to have the duster ready for shakedown ne t season with you guys. Maybe not competing, but running!

jimgood Reader
11/19/22 12:55 p.m.

In reply to HalfFast :

Well then. Challenge accepted!

jimgood Reader
11/19/22 12:56 p.m.

In reply to Dusterbd13-michael :

Can't wait to see it run!

jh36 Dork
12/30/22 8:37 p.m.

Sorry for radio silence ...been a bit hectic around my parts, but today I have news. 

I dropped off the engine I got from Johnny C with my local guy in August...and retrieved it on Christmas Eve. Honestly, I can't blame him as I was busy and not really following up. He did more than a once over to it, but now that the deed is done, I feel ok about it. 

In other new, Ed Higginbotham and I bought Jimgood's e36 to turn into a Spec3 car so we are now full tilt to get two cars ready by March. 

Good to be back in the saddle. Here we go!

jh36 Dork
12/30/22 8:38 p.m.

jh36 Dork
12/30/22 8:39 p.m.

jimgood Reader
1/10/23 6:07 a.m.

In reply to jh36 :

Glad to hear about the progress, Jack. Maybe we need a build day!

jh36 Dork
1/12/23 8:49 p.m.

In reply to jimgood :

That would be spectacular!  

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