Minor update: It's been a great season of commuting, road trips, and motorsports events! I've still got to sort out bracket clearance for the passenger seat airbag wiring, but figure I'll do it in the off season. If any Twins owners want an aftermarket seat install walkthrough, I'm your man, LMK.
Until the get the wiring extended, passengers are strictly forbidden from moving the seat! Did a several hour road trip last weekend with a GRMer friend to visit another car friend and the FR-S delivered in spades as always. As a side bonus, fuel economy remains awesome; even with premium. The new seats are perfect for long drive comfort! Full disclosure, I still work for scheel-mann USA, but the long distance driving comfort is transformed over the mediocre-at-best stock setup with these awesome orthopedic seats which are adjustable and can accommodate real-sized American drivers/passengers!
On the same roadtrip last weekend, I picked up a Perrin oil cooler and will soon be purchasing a P3 Cars OBD gauge both for fitment during the off season as well...and I might pursue a few further mild aesthetic tweaks as well.
As the season winds down I registered for autocross both this weekend and next, then on to the winter doldrums after that!
We had a photographer come by work to take some photos of the custom seats in my car, plus the custom seats in our new company promo car. Still loving how the scheel-mann factory in Germany matched the factory red stitching! The air bladder adjustable lumbar support is icing on the cake! scheel-mann usa is still small enough that custom is no problem if time isn't too tight.