Ok, need some help from the hive...
The horn in the Monte doesn't work, so I started to trouble shoot. I jumped the horn to the battery, and it made horn sounds - so the horn works.
Next I tried to jump the ground from the relay to the battery negative, and got nada, so according to the web, that means relay is shot. So, disconnect the main power at the battery and replace the relay.
I bought THIS DURALAST RELAY from advautozoriellys which doesn't look exactly the same, but they swear it is a match for my car.

There's no wiring instructions, just this image which I don't understand because I'm not an electrician:

The polarity of the leads is not something you can get wrong, the positive has a big wing on the plug that won't allow you to connect it to the negative post. There's a pair of terminals to add the power to vs the single on the factory relay, but it's fine because I have ring terminals that I can screw right on.
So, connect the power lead to the relay, connect the horn leads, and lastly reconnect the power at the battery and... horn just stays on for about 10 seconds and then dies. Horn is now dead - jumping it to the battery gets nothing. Multimeter says no continuity. Pressing the horn button does make clicky relay sounds, just no horn sounds.
The relay sounds make me happy. But I can't figure why the horn wanted to stay on...you cannot get the polarity wrong, so I didn't have it reverse wired. The thing that has me the most confused is the presence of an additional male terminal on the relay that isn't present on the factory unit -

is it possible to power the other side of the relay?