Elmore, Hatchet and I made the trip on the ferry over to Put-In-Bay for the Road Race Reunion. This event has always been on my list but since it's run during the week it's hard to make it work.
I don't believe I mentioned it but before Schenley, Hatchet all of a sudden wouldn't start. The fuel pump wasn't running. I did all kinds of testing for voltage, etc. and couldn't figure it out. At some point I ran 12v directly from the battery to the pump and it worked. Went to start it and it ran no problem. I figured the old-ish pump had gotten itself stuck and just needed direct voltage to break free, if you will. Ran great at Schenley, ran great moving it around the garage a few times, ran great taking it to get aligned and then started and immediately shut off when I was taking it off the trailer last week.
Stepping back. Why was it getting aligned? I found a freshly rebuilt quick rack for it and threw it in last week.

Hatchet has a tendency to wander a bit when there is little/no load on the suspension (see: going over the crown in the road at Schenley). There has always been play inside the rack and the camber plate bearings have been shot since I've owned it. The steering feel is SO much better with this rack but, unfortunately, it still wanders. Next season will mean new camber plates and everything refreshed up front for sure.
So I again did tons of troubleshooting and came to the conclusion that the pump just must have finally died and installed the new one I had on the shelf. Nope. More and more testing making sure the distributor was sending the trigger, continuity here, continuity there, voltage here, voltage there. I went to bed Saturday night stumped. Sunday morning I woke up with a fresh head and started from the beginning. Although the fuel pump fuse looked totally fine, I decided to run 12V past the fuse. Pump fired right up. Tested continuity on the fuse. Nada. It must have been broken down in one of the ends. Lots of time wasted but I was just glad to have it fixed.
I got my daughter on the bus Tuesday morning and headed to the ferry.

Although the Hoosiers were on the car, I decided that, to save them a bit, I'd run Hankooks I have on the 15s for the first few sessions. I threw them on after registering and going through tech and then eventually headed off to the car show/parade around the island on the original race course.

That was cool and I hooked up with some new friends I met waiting for the ferry.
The tires turned out to be the wrong choice. We were supposed to have two laps under caution but that was cut down to 1 as they were running behind. I really struggled to get the tires up to temp probably in part because I really wasn't trying to push very hard at that point. The airport surface is a little strange and the paint is very slippery. About 5 laps into the session I decided to try 3rd gear through one of the chicanes and ended up with a bit too much speed and zero grip. I missed the corner and took out a hay bale, causing a little bit of damage to the valance. I self reported the next time by and they were already waving the checker.
I was pretty frustrated. I wasn't even trying to go quickly and ended up off course with damage to fix. In the span of about 30-40 min I had the valance off, hammered back into shape and back on the car ready to go. When looking at the Hankooks, they look like a set of tires that has never been heat cycled. So, still totally my fault going off but it made me feel slightly better that I wasn't crazy thinking they weren't getting up to temp and I wasn't just over driving.
The afternoon qualifying session was immediately better on the Hoosiers and uneventful. I then took part in the Trans Am 2.5 race that afternoon. What a great time! I was paddocked near an '02 racer from Texas, Tim Woodruff. We had a great time out there with me on his bumper through every set of turns and him pulling away on every straight for much of the race. On the last lap, we were coming up to a lapped Datsun 510 and I saw my opportunity, At the last hairpin down by the dog park, I made my way onto the inside of the corner and on the way out, I was able to use the Datsun as a pick. Next was the chicane where I had gone off in the morning and again was able to take position on the inside and Tim was unable to get around the Datsun. At that point I had a much better run out of the corner and grabbed the checker ahead. I have no idea what position we were battling for but, it was a riot. We both got out with huge smiles on our faces and had a few beers. Good stuff.
For the morning race yesterday, I was gridded 8th. I passed a couple cars on the start and then a Bugeye lost it after start finish and a Spridget retired after a couple laps. That had a very quick 510 leading the race, an 02 in second and me in third.

Chasing this 02 was the same situation as chasing Tim the evening before. He would leave me standing still on the straights but I was on his bumper in the corners. I had the opportunity to pass a couple times but wasn't able to make it stick. I ended the race in third!
The afternoon race was much the same story. I was gridded in 3rd place with a Triumph GT6 behind me. He immediately went around me and I was hanging in fourth for a few laps before two cars were stalled, one in the middle of a chicane and we went behind the pace car for two laps.

When the green flag dropped, the 510 in the lead was off pace for some reason and the Triumph went for it. He went around the right side of the 02 and ended up destroying a hay bale and must have damaged something in the right front as he just about immediately retired. This again, left me in 3rd behind the 02 and 510. I couldn't stay as close to the 02 as I had in the morning but was comfortably in my spot. Tim in the 02 must have had an awesome run going from the back of the grid (he missed the morning race) to a distant fourth by the end of the race.
Another on track pic and one of the paddock just because.

I rate this as a very successful season for Hatchet. A very strong (in my opinion) finish at Schenley and two podiums at PIB. From here on out, most of my car focus will be on getting Guac ready for the Challenge but once the Challenge is done, Hatchet is going to get some well deserved attention.
- dual Webers
- head refreshed - a buddy is trying to convince me to do a cam also... we'll see
- reseal engine
- reseal trans (?)
- short up some soft spots and make some stout jack points
- new camber plates
- fresh bushings where I haven't already replaced them
- more pad in the rear - still wants to lock the fronts and the balance is wide open to the rear
- remove mechanical fan for electric (?)