Went up to Colorado to pick up my Mustang, alongside having a vacation. Note to self, don't visit CO in January when you live in Arizona, it was so cold! Being that my Mustang hasn't been on the road for almost four years I figured it would be best if I towed it home with my 4Runner. Another note to self, UHaul trailers suck, and they suck even more in snow and ice. That experience had to be some of the most horrifying driving conditions that I have ever gone through. Here are some pics!

First step now that shes home is to put some miles on her to see whats broken, and what self heals.
List of current known issues:
-rear end has major leak, and pausi-trac defiantly isn't working
-Transmission grinds into reverse
-Transmission also has rattle. It sounds like a throwout bearing, but rattles when clutch pedal is out, not when pressed. Real lost on this one
-Power steering is whining a bit, but is getting better. I have a feeling this will resolve itself after some more driving
-The rear main seal is leaking
-Flat spotted tires (again, will resolve itself after a few more miles)
-Rear driver side wheel showing corrosion under the paint alongside wheels being scraped. This was actually due to the awful tires that I got the car with rolling under themselves in hard corners and the wheels would physically touch the pavement, its never actually been curbed.
Next steps
-Basic fluid changes
-Put a couple hundred miles on her to see what gets worse, and what gets better
-If the rear end needs too much love, alongside the transmission having some unknown issues, it may be very fun to do a cobra swap transmission back. For those who don't know, cobras of this generation have 6 speed transmissions, single piece aluminum driveshafts, and independent rear suspension. All of this also supposedly swaps right in with only two drill spots. A solid possibility if I can get ahold of some parts, or a crashed cobra parts car.
I forgot to mention, I also gave it a bath at a friends house, my apartment doesn't have any hose bibs. Shes so shinny!!! This picture also shows the road rashed wheels.