Left turn clyde, played a bit with the dash, checking height for "short" drivers. The rate my son is growing this will all be arbitrary soon but anyhow!
new crosmember for instruments, steering will be a heim joint off this. Which fits like this.
add crash test dummy here! Will notch the shs to fit the tubing and build from there.
Very cool! Love the crosskart, and looking forward to the RX8 progress!

upper rear mounts tacked in and motor in position to test fit, pretty happy with where it's landed. Front motor mounts will need to be bolt in as it's a bugger to get in and out.

Certified unicorn rocking horse poop in hand fresh off the boat from Germany two days before round five. Scales say this save me 3.3kg or 7.2lb's out of the front right corner ie, the heaviest part of the car so win win! Gives me time to fit it Friday afternoon and do a string alignment ready to race Saturday.
Pictures from the race!! We must see them!
Neat projects! Your ability to work on three projects at the same time is something I fail at so badly...

only picture I have..... it was a weekend of mixed results. My partner ran a Pb of 52.94 and I was able to run consistent low 52's all weekend, unfortunately not enough to get 2nd so have been relegated to 3rd for the season. Sunday morning we started early and 2nd run Jodie came in reporting a light coming up on the dash. Next run I had the same and worked out it was oil pressure. Oh crap.
It was just flickering so told her to shut it down if it stayed on but go for it otherwise. We got another two runs in when it stayed on and she killed it and coasted down the hill
We made the decision to bring it home before we did major damage only to find this when we started system checking

Yep the wire for the oil pressure light had storted out and was turning the light on........
Ian F (Forum Supporter) said:
Neat projects! Your ability to work on three projects at the same time is something I fail at so badly...
Thanks Ian, I don't always manage it so well but with three of us working we get some progress happening most of the time. I try to do something on one of them everyday whether it's ordering something or cutting or welding or wiring or just figuring out how to make something work. Just keeps things ticking along. The RX8 is turning into a garage queen but is probably the car I am most excited about. Mainly a lack of funds...
Or maybe it's a lack of focus.....
started playing with the Rx8 today after i had the brainwave that the front edge of the bootlid/trunk would give me the perfect shape for the inside of the rear glass.
So hey presto template made and alloy cut out, tuned up the fit and away we go.

Thinking something funky to join them and we are good to go. Next we can start on seam welding and cage.
Cleaned up the thread on the RX8 steering column and found a nut that fits so I ordered a steering boss and another steering wheel quick disconnect the same as in the Barina so I can use the same wheel in both.
Story behind the wheel is it is a 4spoke Momo a friend in highschool had in his car. He passed away just after school, about 1995. His dad gave me the wheel and I have had it in all of my Special cars since. It's my little tribute to him. He was 6'4" and had size 16 feet. We called him Yeti.
so steering wheel sorted I'm now making a base for the seat similar to the planted units so I can sit in the car and work out where the cage needs to run and how much clearance I have to my head etc. The RX8 will be built specifically for me and everyone else can work around it. Had some health issues flare up so progress is a bit slow but it's a long weekend here meaning I've got an extra day to make it up.

Finished photo first.
which started with this

turned into these

welded like this

clean up and make brackets

Thats enough for today, back onto the Barina to sort out some wires before the next round.
After a quick stint in hospital with heart issues we are back in business, steering boss for the RX8 arrived so threw that in, still waiting for the wheel quick release to arrive. Also ordered a quad lock mount for the phone in the barina, trying to get it set up and mounted to run the track addict app, gives us some on screen telemetry and times and the quad lock seems to be the most secure we could find.
stay tuned.......... Final round of competition in two weeks

Played with the engine mounting in the RX8, after much research and photo scouring this seem to be the way to go.
Managed to get a few things done the last couple of afternoons, slowly ticking jobs off the list. Got the quick release for the steering wheel in the Rx8 fitted do now it can share wheels with kandy the Barina.

And then my lovely partner suggested we put one of the spare buick v6's for the sprint car in as an interim measure while I save up for the ls build. Well why the heck not! Engine mounting will be quite similar so I can reuse what I've done when I get that far. I only have a th700 sitting around here but as it's only a short term fix what the hell! Fuel cell and rear mount radiator will stay the same as will brakes. So on that note i needed to build engine mounts, both on the car and motor, a rear drop sump which will be a modified version of the sprintcar unit, a shorter top entry inlet manifold that I already built and didn't use on another car. On with the photos!!

Sorry to hear about the heart problems and hospital visit. This whole aging thing is not for the faint of heart. Wait...
Had you mentioned a V6 powered sprint car before? I might have missed that one.
I could definitely have more projects going if I were willing to park vehicles in my back yard. Haven't gotten there yet.
TVR Scott said:
Sorry to hear about the heart problems and hospital visit. This whole aging thing is not for the faint of heart. Wait...
Had you mentioned a V6 powered sprint car before? I might have missed that one.
I could definitely have more projects going if I were willing to park vehicles in my back yard. Haven't gotten there yet.
Thankyou, it's all been downhill since 45.
The sprintcar is a Jenkins chassis with a v6 for our wingless class over here. It's just been a slow accumulation of parts over the last few years, my partner plans to race it one day although the chassis will be vintage legal soon which will also make it worth more money. Not sure if I've mentioned it before or not, just one of the toys around here, sits quietly on the side patio waiting.

Engine mounts suitably drilled and finished off enough for a test fit, there is still an anti crush tube to go through the crossmember but lets make sure this all works first.

Headlights, guards and front tube work unbolted, love the way this all fits together, quite proud of it. Can all be finish welded now i know it will all work. Will get some mounts added for the bumper and intercooler but the idea is easy replacement, easy acces.

And the patient patient ready for her first heart transplant.
New PB this morning 52.04, hoping for a 51 tomorrow. Track is grippy and fast, Kandy is happy and the mods are all working well!

Finished the weekend in 3rd on a 52.0 still. Puts me 3rd for class for the year, second in ladies for the club championship .
That's the final event for the year so back to the Rx8 to have a hope of it being ready for next year!

Plenty of room for activities!
Long weekend for Hallowe'en and my son has come up with doing the Monty Python black knight in the front yard so today we made a medieval style helm. In true grassroots fashion we used a spare shelf that we cut up for steel.

All painted and ready to rivet together tomorrow, pop rivets aren't period correct but meh, it's a decoration so not too worried.
Not much done today but I did drag out a gearbox crossmember I started for another car and didn't use which amazingly bolts up to the 4L80e mount and has the right spacing for the Rx8 frame rails so quite happy with that. Need to weld doublers to the rails to strengthen them and will add some captive nuts to make life easier.

Also got our hallowe'en decoration done ready to go outside tomorrow.

Nice job on the 2nd place series finish.
That 6 cyl really packages far back in the RX8 chassis. Should help with the handling.
Thank Scott, it fits in like it was made for it, should work on track really nicely, i could go back another inch or so if I really wanted to.
Made the doubler plates for the chassis rails with captive nuts just need to clean up the rails ready to weld them on and drill holes for the captive nuts to slot up inside the rails.
It's all pilot drilled so just have to work up the enthusiasm to lie under the car with a drill and air grinder.... maybe tomorrow! Really need a hoist.
So i started test fitting the seat instead. Always fun to sit and make vroom vroom noises.