So I picked up a $600 LS400 with the intention of swapping the engine and trans into a 1990 RX7. Well, after a few hours of fiddling, my team mates and I got the pig to run with just a new ignition coil. Therefore, we decided that instead of swapping this year, as planned, we would just do a hard gut, Lincoln locker, MS2, and a turbo if we can fit it into budget. Hope we can get it all done in time. That's it for now.
Welcome to the Aristocrats!
The title award last year for the highest finishing Aristocrat was more than just a silver platter but also a noble title bestowed upon the winner.
As such, I am The Baron of Berkeley, the overlord of all that is F'ed.
I wish you great success!
So far, there seems to be two Aristocrat style cars attending. If that number gets to three or more, I will personally see to it that these awards are updated and return for 2016.

Sweet, I would love to hang that in my bedroom just to annoy swmbo.
Where are the pictures? Don't make me too jealous.
I wish I could have bought yours as it would have been 80% there on what I wanted. Oh well.
Pictures will have to wait a little bit as it is currently at my BIL's house. She can spin the tires(both??) nice though. Seriously, this spins both tires. No idea why.
Mine spun both tires for about 15 feet before I lowered it.
Hopefully I will have something soon to compete against you.
Also need to see the RX7, I had an 86 with an LT1 when I was younger... I'm still young.
I think the LS will be a test bed for the next challenge with the rx7.
Got it on the diff. Lincoln it is!
Any updates (with some pics)?