So I finally got a full day working on the car. First of all, all 4 tires would only hold air for an hour tops so I needed some new rubber. After an extensive classifieds search I finally found 4 used tires, mounted and balanced already, on steelies.
Patches and I picked em up on a rainy day.

The two hours of driving went fine but I'd never had the car out in the rain before. Two things. These skinny little snow tires do not have adequate traction and you have to take it pretty easy to avoid spinning them all the way through 1st and 2nd gear. (which I did not do). And second of all, I may have a leak...

I vacuumed more than a gallon out of the passenger side of the car then propped the carpet up to dry. Seems like I missed something vital as it is definitely coming up from the floor.
Super fun times.
Oh well, back to the story at hand.
Check em out!

Just kidding, but this car has the nicest spare tire I have ever seen. Gotta cut weight!
So at some point, before I even moved to this house, I started stripping off the accessories and whatnot to use on the donor car.
Well that was 8-10 years ago and those parts have been sitting around, waiting to go back together.
Like a big jigsaw puzzle!

Except you lost some parts, like all of the hardware...

And there are parts from other puzzles mixed in...

And the pieces have been strewn around the house and then moved to a completely different house.
And, you get the idea. So it was very slow progress. A lot of putting parts on, realizing they are from the wrong year, or that I forgot something underneath and taking it back off. Really it would be nice if I knew next to anything about these motors. I did get it mostly back together though.
ALSO, I get that the weight distribution is awesome and all but it is SUPER annoying to have a tiny engine in a huge engine bay and then have ALL of that engine squashed into the back 1/3.
Rant over. Here's the other problem, while modifying this engine to go into the MG, I cut and then fiberglassed the intake plenum backwards to make more room.
Well in this car, the stock config would be way better, obviously. Also, there is a firewall in the way.

So I did find a stock one on ebay for 35$ and it's in the mail along with a fuel pump.
I was planning to stick this guy in a Jerry can for testing purposes, but I don't have a fitting like this... I don't even know what kind of fitting this is. Any ideas?

So looks like I'm stuck for a few days while parts arrive. Though I still have to drop the fuel tank and get all of the rust out of it. Yay.
Maybe I'll have time to spray the underside of the V-dub with some water and see where the hell it's leaking.