759NRNG said:
Cousin_Eddie (Forum Supporter) said:
759NRNG said:
Does it have a K&N air filter or an equivalent?
No. The big white box on the right side of the picture is a new AC Delco factory filter. I'm not much of a K&N guy anymore.
Because.....am I missing something? Oh and hey I'm gonna send you a PM
I don't have any axe to grind against K&N type of filters. I've certainly had quite a few over the years. But one for this car is 80 bucks or so and a Wix or AC Delco Genuine part is like 12 bucks. As clean as I keep my stuff and as pampered as it tends to be I could buy Wix filters as needed until I die and probably never spend what I would on a K&N.
I grinded an axe with K&N and all the oil bath filters. I had phone calls from them threatening to sue too. I told them go for it. They did not like a very simple test I conducted of their product. I could probably come up with something better today, but honestly it wouldn't change the results. Mechanical filtration is actually quite simple. Given a certain size the filter that flows more will also pass more dirt. It's really that simple. In mechanical filtration there is no magic. You need more flow, get a bigger filter or ingest more dirt. It's that simple.
Can you add some cross bars to the smog kit so it matches the wheels?
The CNC programmer totally dropped the ball on that one.
I've considered the smog pump delete, as my car is cat-less, but have been holding out to make a less-billety, more OEM looking arm and idler. Would you mind jotting down a few dimensions from that kit?
I don't have any problems with the air pump, but it'd be a heck of a lot nicer to get it out of there, since it really isn't doing anything anymore. Air pump baby supercharger? ha ha
I hope I'm not clogging up your thread, but this car is inspirational to me. Love the GS rear flares. not my car, not my picture.
By all means, keeping posting away. Interaction makes these things more fun.
Project number one today was to fix the flip up headlights. This is a common C4 issue.
Someone had recently been into them as the pellets were brand new.

But the pellets were not the problem in this case. Both gears were cracked.

New gears and pellets and linkage bushings and they work great.
strike that one off the list.
A picture of my '85. Have fun with this build.

Cuzin E get these hoops .......way betterrrrer
So here is what I did.
I swapped seats.
my wife commented that the Corvette sport seats held her butt real snug. She's not a big woman by any means. But I am a big dude. Not terribly fat, just 6'3" and 240 pounds of corn fed. So the sport seats were not long term viable for me. You can imagine how well I didn't fit into them.

so I bought a pair of base model C4 seats off the internets from a local dude. They are much less deeply sculpted and have zero of the doodads and bladders and horseE36 M3 that the original seats had.. These seats aren't awesome but they work and 80 bucks and it's a proof of concept deal. Yes. Much better and more accommodating for bigger dudes like myself. I'll either find better base model seats to replace these or restore these. Either way the original sport seats aren't ever going back into the car.

I told y'all I was going to ruin this car...
Still my favourite Cousin Eddie build....

And I still go back to it.
Keep up the good work, Captain Awesome!!
Photobucket killed so many of my build threads.
They killed everyone's build threads.
They're still warning me that my photobucket pictures might be deleted if I don't re-activate my account. Like. I. Care.
Still, I am still super stoked that I can still follow your current builds here! You were(are!) inspirational to me in my '61 Apache build
I love this. Good luck with it!
I've been joking with some friends that we should all buy cheap C4's when we hit 45 years old and do a road trip and some cruise nights while dressed up as "Corvette owners". I've been pushing this agenda for fun, but I really do want one. I've wanted one since I was a kid. I have some personal goals I need to meet in the next few years, but I feel one of these would make a nice reward.
I'll be watching this one. It'll be nice to see what it's like to keep one of these things running.
Today I've been changing the intake manifold gaskets to address an oil leak. Valve cover gasket too. And a lot of little tidbits along the way.

This car makes me reaffirm my love for Hondas. GM engineers were buffoons. They apparently had zero concern for field servicing of their stuff during that era.
Anyway , I got the lower intake set and torqued and the valve covers cinched down. Distributor is back in. Tomorrow I'll monkey with the stupid fuel rail and intake runners.
I'm not reading the part where you polished everything.
Did you forget to type it?
In reply to SkinnyG (Forum Supporter) :
My back hurts and I'm in a less than a motivated mood. I had forgotten what it was like back when I had to fix these things every day to put food on the table. So many instances of if there was just a little notch right here or if they'd just moved that by 1/8 of an inch and everything would have been so much easier. Or something held on by both metric and Imperial fasteners on the same part !
I called it quits for the day and came inside. Tomorrow is a new day.
In reply to Cousin_Eddie (Forum Supporter) :
Should've used that cribbing lol. My back hurts just from looking at it.
I'm getting ready to do the same job to my 91. Intake gaskets and water pump. Yes, the back aches are killer. You would think it would be easier with the whole front end up in the air but nooooo
Also watch the alternator. They don't like to be spun real fast
You guys need a topside creeper!

Today is going to be a clean up day first and foremost. I want to clean all my tools and all remaining parts going back on the car. Plus I need to do my weekly daily driver clean and detail before I go back to work tomorrow.
I did allow scope creep into the Corvette job. While I was under there looking around I noticed the radiator's plastic end tanks look kind of dry and cracky. So I ordered a nice upgraded replacement radiator, a nice upgraded water pump and some new hoses.
I also ordered an exhaust for the car. It currently has a Flowmaster cat-back which I care neither for the sound or the tips. So I'll sell it to someone who wants Flowmaster on their C4 and install one that I like.