I got another Talon TSI. But not just any Talon, the one I got for free and sold 20 years ago.
I got it for free this time, but with many more miles, beat to crap, and no where near stock. I will try and keep this build updated, my miata "project" turned into a daily non-project. I will upload photos when I get back from Walmart with a battery! This forum isn't phone friendly for me.
Congratulations on your new car?
Put the battery in, still dies. fixed the idle switch(wasnt connected) a few vacuum leaks (booster still leaking) and messed with the silly MAF translator, and she can now start and drive!(with a lot of stalling issues)
Also found a lovely water leak from the rear hatch, which turns out to be rust. Its looking like a new fiberglass piece is cheaper than getting this one fixed.
Here are the pictures when I got it for free the first time, not many digital cameras 20 years ago.

Got cleaned up the best we could with the help of the kid. Seats are rusted into place and wont adjust. But i guess its a bit better than when I got it the second time.

This all took place over the weekend.
After the big rain this morning, found the truck area was soaked. So I took a hose and found where it was coming from. Sadly it was neglected like most of these cars are, and there is a bit of rust at the base of the hatch. Cleaned it all up and put some good marine silicone at the base to seal it for now. Only broke one clip for the wing. I will have to decide what to do for a more permanent fix. I am open to suggestions. Found a fiberglass hatch for $500. I dont have the skills for that kind of rust, and im sure a body shop will be twice that.

I cant seem to get the video to work on here. Oh well. I will slowly get this thing going again. Supposed to be the youngest first car, but the AC went missing, and the heater core is not hooked up. So we shall see if she wants it, or if it ends up as a race car of some sort. Or both. Will update when I get stuff fixed!
So I had a little bit of time over the weekend. After shooting some silicone into the rust holes, I seem to have fixed the water leaks from the rear hatch. Bodywork to fix the hatch will be well over 1k, and a fiberglass hatch is 495 shipped to my door. A new Fiberglass hatch is definitely going on, unless I can find a rust free one local. I did not bother with pictures for that.
I also started putting the wiring back. Only got the injectors done for now. Firewall harness is next.

While I was doing that, I wasted a bunch of time trying to figure out how to mount the factory cruise control back. I guess the guy before took it loose so he could run the silly hard pipe. After spending way too much time trying to figure it out, I realized that an entire bracket is missing! Add that to the "worry about it later" section.

So the slow progress is at least moving. Wiring will continue until I figure out where to get a brake booster, they seem to have been discontinued.
You paid too much!
Just kidding. Good score. I've always been intrigued by these.
I'm convinced DSM ownership is some kind of masochistic sickness with no cure and can only be controlled by buying more DSM's. God they're awesome though.
So the guy who gave me a car called and told me he had some spare parts for me. I swung by and i FILLED my Miata with parts. I don't have any pictures yet, but I got a spare head that may need a rebuild, a turbo, piping, and a whole lot more. Biggest score was the Haynes manual! I finally have wiring diagrams.
While trying to look up the spare TD05-16g turbo i now have(still don't know what brand), I went and look at the currently installed Turbo. It is a TD05h-16g with a serial number of GSP-00462. A quick look shows that it might be a Godspeed turbo(not that great I know) but other than a few WRX sites, that's all I can tell.
I will have more pictures of the spare parts tomorrow.
Welp, found out what the knocking noise was when running. The alternator is bad! Crazy stuff. No new pictures. But my daughter said she doesnt want it anymore. The wife also doesnt want it. So it might be going up for sale soon sadly.
That is unless we can convince her it would make a good race car? Think it would be competitive in autox or rallycross? I dont have the funds for drag racing.
forgot to update this. sold the car. kid didnt want it, i didnt want another project. When the guy came to look at it, the start conked out, then the timing belt tensioner started to fail. Sold it for $2200. Guy took it home, replaced the timing belt, messed that up and it bent a valve. Not sad its gone.
That looked like whole lot of work from here. Congrats on the sale.