It's been a while for an update.
As mentioned a while back, the Audi turbo went boom in February, and sat for months while I made up my mind how I'd like to move forward. Of course then the clutch pivot on the FRS snapped and a frantic fix ensued.
The Montero I bought a couple months before that became the wife's daily since the Audi was out of commision, but it wasn't the best for that at all. The coolant system was getting air from places I was slowly tracking down but this meant terrible heater capability. Ughhh. Not ideal while we are under heavy winter conditions.
So we spent a month saving up for a down payment on a brand new car for her. The used market is complete crap right now. New was the only thing that made sense. So we got her a nice AWD 2.5 Mazda Cx5 mid March and it took a huge weight off my shoulders. MASSIVE relief. A week after we got the Cx5 the Montero blew a headgasket while I was putting around town. Super glad it wasn't while the wife was driving. Sold that box of Pajero crap a few days later AS IS and felt amazing getting it out of my hair. I haven't documented any of the work I did on it, but there was a lot of maintenance and tinkering done. It turned out to not be the deal I thought it was. It also reminded me why I hate working on older vehicles anymore.
A month later I decided to pull the trigger on a new vehicle for myself as well. The FRS as a daily has gotten a bit stale so time to change things up a bit. I was originally planning to get a Tacoma but ever since the new Bronco info was released I've really just wanted to get one. The idea of spending that kind of coin up front on a vehicle is nauseating but I think I'm finally at a point where I'm okay with a small monthly payment. Something with a warranty. Something I just turn the key or push the button and drive. I also realized every time I've owned a truck I NEVER used it for truck stuff. The Bronco probably isn't the best decision between the two but I don't care. I just wanted one.
After a month of searching I found a 2022 Black Diamond Bronco in Area 51 color. It was $500 under MSRP in Spencer Wisconsin and the best deal I could find nationwide in the spec I wanted. A 2.3 4 door to be exact. I tried like hell to find a base model 4 door with Sasquatch package but everyone wants so much over MSRP it didn't make sense financially. It's been a few weeks of commuting with it to work and I haven't moved the FRS an inch for the most part. I love this thing. Small plans are in motion for a slight OEM suspension and wheel package upgrade but staying pretty stock for the most part. Famous last words.

With the Bronco here I now had to start thinning the herd. We originally planned to keep the Audi for my youngest when she turns 16 in a couple years but having it sit for the next 2 years while paying insurance doesn't make sense. So I ordered up all the goodies to put turbo dumpty back together again. I really didn't want to do the work, so it took a few weekends of me taking my sweet time to get it all wrapped up. It came alive first turn of the key and drove like it was all brand new again. Lots of other maintenance done at the same time since it was at the 120k mark. Timing belt, water pump, trans service, oil change, etc. I listed the car for sale Monday of this week and sold it that evening. Another huge weight off my shoulders.
So what to do with the FRS? Keep it? Sell it?
I still need to install the fuel pump relay setup.
Fix the oil pan dipstick issue which probably means pulling the engine/trans unless I decide to drop the front subframe with support from above. It's due for an oil change so I'd hate to stretch it out another 3k miles.
The clutch started feeling sticky again like it did before the pivot let go a couple months ago which is alarming.
I sold off the 4Piston head, Drag Cartel cams, pistons/rods, etc. so no engine build on the horizon.
Quite frankly I'm afraid this might be the beginning of the end for it. I haven't wanted to go to autocross or track stuff at all lately. Most of my time has been spent at the climbing gym or out riding bikes. I also started climbing outdoors recently which opens up a whole new way to spend my time that doesn't cost a few hundred bucks each time I go out like the FRS does. For now I'm not making any real decision. I'm going to take a break from tinkering over the summer and drive the FRS on a nice day here and there if it works out. Maybe by fall I'll know what to do. No rush.