Some comment I missed? I voted up anyway, the great thing about lacquer is you can paint outside and it won't kill you the way single stage P/U can. The downside is you can't get it everywhere and they took all the lead ingredients out might not look the same as the 1965 version of certain colors...
The forum didn't accept my post. I got the basics done for the motorcycle tail section, and the web kinda answered my question! I remember when search engines tried to answer a question now they answer what ever they think you might mean (really, I wanted to know about lacquer, not hoy to pic a respirator for epoxy! No, I'm not varnishing wood!)
Forum said it did not post; no clue why it posted title, and not question!
Just saw 2 others that posted the title, but not the question. Although when I had clicked "post" the forum told me "something went wrong"
if the mods will remove, that would confuse less folks!
In reply to 03Panther :
Glad it was a glitch. Thought you might have gone schizo, and started nuking threads, Transit Connect style.
Appleseed said:
In reply to 03Panther :
Glad it was a glitch. Thought you might have gone schizo, and started nuking threads, Transit Connect style.
Ouch! I'm an odd duck, but (I hope
) not that !!!