I had some more time to mess with the Trans Am today, and Pseudosport (aka Greg) stopped by to help, as usual. 
Today's focus was getting the passenger floor pan buttoned up and to try and get it running.

This is where we left off. That back corner toward the transmission tunnel wouldn't sit down, no matter how many times I bashed it with a hammer.

The solution? Pie cutting the corner. I will cut out a patch to make up the difference.

The seam was also welded in place, and it fits nicely on that side now. I still need to join the torque box extension we built to the floor. I plan on drilling out some holes and spot welding the extension to the floor to finish that off.

While Greg was working on the floor, I decided to change the engine water... err.. oil.

That is what came out of my engine. The silver jug is a 5qt container, and along with a gallon and a quarter, it's all that gross nastiness. This engine usually holds about 5qts of oil, so that tells you how much has leaked in. I haven't changed the oil in 3 years, but for at least 2 out of those 3, the engine has been covered with a trash bag to avoid situations like this. It also doesn't help that there's a giant hole in the hood, and Pontiac V8's have a valley pan that sits under the intake where water just pools up. I filled it with some thin oil (a mix of 5w30, 5w20, and 0w20 I had kicking around). The idea is to run it for about 5-10 minutes to flush out whatever sludgy grossness is left in there and change it again. I also fitted a hose to the shaker drain, which apparently fell off at some point.
The good news? I was able to get it to turn over, so hopefully things aren't stuck from all of that freaking WATER sitting in the poor engine. The bad news is that i realized today that my battery is 4 years old and doesn't like doing battery things that well these days. It also had signs of it doing "the starter thing" that I've detailed earlier in this build. I really hope that's not the case. I couldn't get it running, since it wouldn't turn over fast enough, but at least there's signs of life.
So, what's next?
-Try and get the battery to come back from the dead
-Get it running, change out the gross oil
-Finish the floor and start on the other side
-Clean my stupid garage so I can fit the car in so the water thing doesn't happen again