Latest update... Interesting Issues from a couple weeks ago with a lug on the back of the master cut-off being close enough for arc, but far enough away I could put a .50 feeler gauge under it. I was concerned it might have back-fed into the MSD and the alternator, killing both. Fortunately it didn't. So we're back on track! Here's where we stand now:
1. I mounted the Kirkey 70 Series seat in place and got it properly positioned, which presents an issue with that master switch. When belted in, I can't reach it, so I've ordered some stand-offs and I'll make a panel and bolt it to the cage.
2. Bolt the seatback to the existing cage mount points
3. Resolve a clutch fluid leak that I'm hoping was in the line I had on hand. If not, the trans will have to come out and new bearing installed/clutch pedal stop adjusted.
4. Top off the trans fluid after cycling the fluid pump.
5. change the oil, filter, and prime the accusump, then connect the line T to the oil system at the remote filter base.
6. I need to bolt down all the original ballast.
7. Bolt in the battery cover.
8. Dyno day is scheduled for Feb. 16th.
After that it's just a matter of cleaning her up, making her pretty, fixing some issues with the fiberglass panels (one has a small hole in it behind the drivers door) and get it ready to wrap. Thinking of keeping the red, and then wrapping the horizontal surfaces blue, kinda like this, minus the iRacing logos:

Then the thought is get some of the white carbon vinyl and trace/cut out 4 and 5 inch stars and randomly place them on the car for a patriotic vibe! Open to suggestions and thoughts!