I just bought the book that Rustybugkiller posted and I'm probably going to get that DVD after I get a look at the engines.
Buying the cars:
I had seen the ad on Craigslist for quite a while when I was looking for various Porsche things. It was local and I kept telling myself that I don't want ANY more cars right now. After visiting Hack and seeing his 356s, I started wondering if it would be fun to call about the 914s. ...Just to take a look and talk, not to buy. (I don't have a problem, I can quit any time...)
Here's the text from the ad:
Please read the ad twice before you call me. I keep having people ask me questions that are answered in the ad. I have 2 914 parts cars. I bought these to use the engine in my 65 vw bus but went back with a vw engine. Both have engine ,transmission and most other parts. They are not fuel injected. Both have ac, one has aluminum wheels. They do not run. I don’t know anything about them. I do not have a title. I am selling just for parts. Do not call me asking questions about them because I don’t know anything. I want $800 each or $1400 for the pair. Make an offer. If you want to look at them call me between 9am and 8pm at **********. Do not text or email I will not respond. If you have a problem and can’t talk on a phone have a friend call me. I am not hard to deal with but must hold firm on calls only because I drive all the time and can’t text or email.
I didn't realize it at the time, but I know the seller's brother and had met him before. He is quite a character and has an extensive collection of many cool things. The kind of guy who is embedded in the town's history and has long been known as a 'handyman'.
Don with his '47 COE. "It turns over, but it's going to need some work. There's another engine for it in the back room...."

After looking over the 914s, I mentioned the price in the ad. He said, "Yeah, I said $1,400, but I also said something else: Make me an offer." By then, I had to get to work soon (night shift). I told him I'd give him a call tomorrow to work out a deal and pick them up.
What to offer? I was actually considering the $1,400, but a full price offer would be insulting to the man. On the other hand he had also been asking $800 each.
"Hi Don, how about I pay you $1,100 to haul those two junk cars off for you?"
"I see how you are... You're hurtin' me, but yes. Yes, I'll take 11."
It was 97 degrees and humid when I went to pick them up. The old battery I had for my winch was too weak to break the cars loose to pull them on the trailer. Don Jump started the old Case backhoe with his old truck and dragged them to my trailer to get the job done. Awesomeness of Don.

They are now both back at my home snuggled in among the other Porsches and projects.

For now the plan is to do a little each day; Investigate, probe and prod, clean them up and pull them apart.