GasTungstenArc said:
You're probably as good a person as any to ask: do you know the difference in length, bell housing flange to front pulley, of the VR vs. the EA827?
I don't. I don't have a EA827 that I could measure. I could measure the VR6 though.
I'll hopefully get back to this project in a few weeks after decompressing from the lemons race this past weekend at the ridge. The weeks leading up to it were a little hectic. After revisiting the telemetry we collected, and seeing all the coolant temperature spikes, I suspected a head gasket failure on the engine in the car, so we started prepping a spare engine about two weeks before the race. It had no compression in one cylinder, which turned out to be a valve that wasn't seating. New rings, bearings and we did the valves and guides. It went together with no issues.

Then I finally did a coolant test on the engine in the car, and lo and behold, the head gasket was toast. So a week before the race we do the swap.

Put the new engine in and it fires up for a second and immediately dies. Turns out it's just running off the cold start injector. I back probe one of the injectors, stick the scope on it and, who can spot the issue

Took the injectors off the old motor and all was well. I guess sitting for 18 years caused the pintels to seize. Crisis averted, with a week until the race. New motor ran much better than the old. When I pulled the catch can that had been filled by the old motor, it was full of water.
So we got to the ridge with a running car that had barely been broken in, and had our best race yet with 257 laps. We had one minor failure, where the car started misfiring at around 5000 RPM. I noticed that the misfire changed when the throttle position changed, so we suspected throttle position sensor. We swapped that and were back out within 10 minutes, and the problem was fixed. We also had brake issues, due to us not bedding the pads properly. And then driver screwups led to two penalties.

Despite finishing mid pack, we were the second slowest car in outright pace. The car is plenty quick in the corners, but horrible on the straights. So, more motivation to work on this swap.