Looking to take my love for cars to the backend engineering. I know there are a number of Think Tanks that can build a car in their sleep without thinking too hard. However, I will like to work with anyone who has the passion of creating powerful motor specs and engines.
What would be the best route to take in designing an Engine for the Mabariken?
Disclaimer: Just learning the world of car language so if you would like to be a big brother mentor I am completely open to it.
This is my design. You can view a video demonstration of it on my Instagram at #desirelofficial.
New Reader
2/2/20 9:21 a.m.
Designing your own engine from scratch is totally unrealistic unless you have a serious mountain of cash.
Choosing an existing engine/drivetrain that could be made to work in your design is much more achievable.
Not to rain on your parade too much but I looked at your Instagram and if that is all you have - a 3D rendered exterior model - you are a thousand miles away from needing an "engine designed".
just a few questions that come to mind:
How do the doors work? how are you going to build a glass/lexan bubble top like that? Do you have a chassis design that will work under that shape? Front wheel/rear/awd drive? Gas powered or electric? .....
I think you will want 3/4 reasonably large electric motors...
A wrecked Tesla with ludicrous mode should do the job.
2/2/20 9:26 a.m.
In reply to Mabariken :
Would love to know more about this wild child, but instagram is a bit advanced for an old analog person like myself.
What is the elevator pitch for this thing? From where I am sitting I dont see room for anything anywhere under the bodywork. Forget Cologne for the driver, with that greenhouse, BBQ Sauce would be more pertinent.
Tin or composite body?
Also, I love those sails above the front wheels but from an aero perspective they might cause instability in crosswinds. In general you need more vertical space on the rear of the vehicle. Here's why:
Imagine a crosswind pushing on a car. If the biggest vertical space is at the front of the vehicle, the wind pushes the front of the vehicle more than the rear, turning the car toward the wind direction. So now the wind pushes your car left AND the wheels push the car left.
If the big vertical planes are at the back, a crosswind pushes the car left but turns it to the right, so the wind sort of cancels the wheels. A much more stable scenario.
This is why arrows and rockets have fins at the back.
I suspect genuine oak paddles are the best way to paddle this canoe
In reply to 914 : The goal is to make it powered by an Electric Engine. Hopefully cells are placed in a way that complements the overall weight dynamics of the vehicle.
the opening of the vehicle is an electronic glass lift with a very unique opening style of the side panels
can you design a X-16 ?
4 banks with 4 inline cylinders per bank ,
a little like an old Airplane motor , but not !
In reply to Robbie :Thanks for the insight- Duly noted.
In reply to sleepyhead the buffalo : I could turn into a boat for you if you will buy it
In reply to NOHOME : It's still a concept design where the kinks are being ironed out. The reinforced glass bubble would be well lifted off the ground to permit other drive components. A grove in the mid region beneath that creates an internal hump Like section within the vehicle holds other necessary driving parts that are not visible to the naked eye
In reply to californiamilleghia : Can you send a sketch
In reply to Mabariken :
So, just looking at the car, clearly it's meant to be a wild looking design exercise- so while electric motors are cool and modern and everything, I think it needs a completely bonkers engine to match. Let me introduce the 12 rotor engine:
15 liters of spinning triangle absurdity in a relatively compact package:
and it sounds like this: Youtube link, turn up the volume
Want to be "green" about it? Run it on hydrogen like Mazda did with the Renesis: Hydrogen RX-8 Wikipedia
If it ever makes it beyond the design stage, I would say go pick up some front suspension and drivetrain parts from existing cars at a junkyard so you can get it on the road. Once it's moving, start planning an electric upgrade. And with that, of course an LS would be the top engine choice. Or as someone else said, look for a wrecked Tesla that still has a good chassis and base it on that.
In reply to infinitenexus : Thanks for these insights
In reply to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ : Very interesting will be looking into this further
2/6/20 6:32 a.m.
Paging Mr Sbaro to the courtesy phone please, Mr Frank Sbaro...