So I guess I will go ahead and start a thread for the car since I already have it.

Stock 95 M.
Currently sitting under a car cover in my parents driveway. It needs at least a CAS O-ring and there is a leak from the front of the engine somewhere which I am hoping isn't cam seals as the T-Belt was done less than 5k miles ago. I will schedule it to go to the mechanic tomorrow since its way to cold/rainy in the near future to work on it right now and I have no garage.
I am going after lunch today to pick up 2 sets of Daisies and a drivers seat from another miata. I need the new seat to foamectomy since I am not going to do that to the 95 M only seats.
I hope they let me run in SR but I know the Daisies alone will put me in PR. I am planning to run Mastercraft Glacier-Grip II in 195/60R14 cause walmart has them for like $70 a tire.
Schedule for the region I will run. I am not sure if I will make it to the Test N Tune because of the mechanics backlog. I am very likely to make event 1.
I've got a stack of CAS O rings. If you need one shoot me a message esseeno (at) gmail
In reply to RevRico :
I have one, Its just too cold and rainy to do before the season starts. And since it needs to go in for the other leaks I will just let the mechanic handle it and give the car a good once over with a trained eye.
I went and picked up 7 daisies and 2 seats pre foamectomied from a local miata guy.
Good call. Cleaning that style of BBS Wheels is a pain in the butt.
That car looks far too clean to subject to rally use. Please tell me it has a big dent on the passenger side or some rusty rockers at least!
I'm with nitro, I hope there's some downside to that car cosmetically we can't see cause it looks absolutely mint.
I was going to say the same thing last night but I didn't want be the first to rag on him. :)
Your not going to get that car in the mud and dirt are you?!
It's unlikely any sane RX region will bump you for wheel size. I'd enter SR and day of the event ask your competitors if they want you to take a bump.
In reply to NermalSnert :
In reply to spacecadet :
In reply to Nitroracer :
No It is a 105k mile Rust-free Stock 95 M. The paint needs correction and has a couple dings but that is just 24 year old factory paint things. I really hate dealing with craigslist/FB marketplace. If anyone wants to shoot me an offer on it before I start rallycrossing it go ahead. I would be interested in a trade for a decent rallycross car(e30, volvo 240 turbo, another miata with a OEM hardtop). You have till event 2 most likely so the end of april and then I am going to rallycross it.
Ill throw up a for sale thread and see if anyone here wants it. later today.
That sounds like a nice car you have. Cheap rally cross worthy Miatas shouldn't be too hard to find.
I agree with mazdeuce. While those wheels TECHNICALLY bump you to PR, I suspect no one at a regional level with take issue with you running in SR. I have heard some horror stories of people being real sticklers at nationals, but that is not the norm.
2/4/19 7:00 a.m.
Came here to give advice, offer encouragement, now waiting for the For Sale thread...
In reply to MrChaos :
I foamecticised a 95M seat. They use the same seat base foam, so it's easy to go back if you need to.
In reply to Woody :
For $180 I got 7 daisies and a pair of foamectomied seats so i am good there.
Once it stops raining i will schedule it to go the mechanic to get all the leaks worked out.
For tires I am looking at Mastercraft Glacier Grip II's in 195/60/14 since they are cheap
New Reader
2/17/19 8:36 p.m.
I say send it. Rallycross the hell out of that thing! Just not on those BBS 14s they will bend in a second. Keep the wheels on the shelf though, they may actually be worth more than the car.
MrChaos said:
For tires I am looking at Mastercraft Glacier Grip II's in 195/60/14 since they are cheap
Do you know what the surface is at your local rallycross venue? 195 is probably too wide, unless it's hard packed clay. Narrow is typically better for any loose material driving. I'd consider your options in the factory size, 185/60/14 or look at 175/70/14.
I dropped the price in the for sale thread cause I really want to try to run a leaf in SF/PF