Been awhile time for update!
I’ve put about 1500 miles on car so far. Averaging out around 28-30 mpg, which is great compared to my infinit getting 22ish on premium! More I’ve driven this the more I like it, almost prefer it over the nice leather and VQ powered Infiniti.
I ordered some parts from rockauto, and unfortunately some of parts were either wrong or listed incorrectly. One thing is shifter bushing. Apparently the one they list and sell is for a shifter stabilizer bar, even though it’s old and worn too. But doesn’t help me fix a super wobbly shifter.
Second was serpentine belt. I somehow received belt for non AC or PS car. Unfortunately the condition of the current belt couldn’t wait for process of getting correct one reshipped.

Besides the hole, you can see old one was just tad narrower, and not by choice.
There was also clunk coming from front left , easy enough just needed new end link.

After owning this car for nearly 3 months now this is first time I’ve had front end in the air and tires off. I know, $800 car, who buys $800 car and doesn’t even check everything. Well front end always felt great and drives strait, so I never bothered looking.
The car has always handled great, like really great. Just thought it was due to car being small and nimble. Well what is this....

Cool someone actually put something decent on here. But upon further research these appear to be the tokico’s off the limited S/R model. Score!! Although I’ve noticed my top hats are starting to crack pretty good. 
Another issue was the lack of battery tie down. I was going to rob one off wrecked ranger at my work. But of course after the 2 years it’s been sitting there they finally hauled to the scrapper. Oh well BMF zip tie for now 
Earlier this week SES light popped on, scanner pulled P0125, failure to reach operating temp. My temp gauge was already acting little funny. Going to replace thermostat, Ecu temp sensor and gauge sensor. Figure no sense in trying to figure which is culprit and just replace it all in prep for 100+ heat this summer.
Another issue I’ve noticed is the AC comp kicks on in various climate settings. Found a separate wire running down to the compressor. 
Kinda hard to see but will need to investigate, but ac does work great so I’m pushing that off for now.
Noticed yesterday on my weekly fluid check brake fluid was getting low. One thing I do not like about this car, it has drums in the rear. Drum breaks are my archnemesis. I’m suspecting one of wheel cylinders is starting to seep a bit. I’ve noticed brake pedal get lil squishy, but assumed they just needed to bled. Hoping this issue will be okay for a bit. Hoping to be able to score whole rear axle setup from escort GT so I can convert rear to disc. We shall see how that plays out.
Im moving to Austin Tx here in couple weeks. Going to be nice to actually live somewhere where I can finally get into racing local. Hopefully I can take this car to compete successfully. I’m all in with this car for less then $1200 so far, and it’ll be awesome to have fun on budget!