Hello everyone! My name is Johnny, I'm 16. (Be 17 in April.) I'm from TX, right now we live in Willow River MN.
Recently the family watched The Prisoner and I really liked his car. So I started looking into it and found it's a Lotus 7, and that folks actually build them from the ground up! I decided I am going to build one.
I decided to build one #1 Because I won't be able to afford the 30k Caterham 7 ANYTIME soon, #2 Because I'd love to have the experience and knowledge that I would gain from building it, and #3 Of course cuz them would be some pretty cool bragging rights, driving around a car I built with my own hands lol. I'm kinda tall at 6' 1", so I decided to use the McSorley 7+442 plans. I'll see if I can attach the ones I was looking at.
I got Ron Champion's book "Build Your Own Sports Car For As Little As £250-And Race It!!" And I've read it through a couple times now.
So for the questions.
#1 Maybe this is a little premature, but I'm trying to decide on the engine. Bike engine, RX5 Rotary engine, normal Miata engine, etc. Any input on that? Anything I should look for specifically?
#2 I see for the most part the frame uses 1x1 14 gauge steel tubing. Where have y'all found is the best place to get that? In the book he said no tube for the frame is over 5 feet, so should I be able to get offcuts?
#3 Is building the larger McSorley frame going to make it much harder to find a nose cone? Is it pretty easy to find someone with one that needs repair, or is just sitting on a shelf not being used, or something like that?
#4 In the book he recommends the old Ford Ford Econoboxs as donor cars, Idk if that was just a Brit thing or what but we don't seem to have a lot (any) around here. Are there any specific models you recommend as a donor car?
Those are my biggest questions, but I'm sure I'll come up with a lot more. Any generaly input or advice or anything is greatly appreciated.
Thank you!