This build is going a bit past what I feel was proper for the guitar/bass gear thread so here is the proper build thread.
Some years back I found an old PA head at a auto parts swap meet. I bundled it with a turbocharger and got it for $5
This lil' guy sports a pair of EL84 in the output section and a pair of 6EU7 as a preamp and phase inverter. A 6V4 rectifier provides the DC to all of them.
So I scabbed in a random electrolytic cap to quell the hum from the bad filters and plugged a guitar and speaker in.
It made noise. The transformers checked out and seemed perfectly suitable. I scoured through some circuits thinking of something like a Vox AC15 and settled on a Matchless Spitfire
Now this Power transformer doesn't have a 5V tap and after looking up the specs on the 6V4 I decided to bin it in favor of an EZ81 rectifier.
So now it was on to starting to build the amp. A piece of surplus stainless was bent into an 18X2X8 chassis
And in an effort to be clever I re purposed a fiberglass safety sign and turned it into the eyelet board
and mounted some components
The chassis was cut for transformers and the ceramic tube sockets
And the heaters and transformers were wired up. The output transformer is on a 3 way rotary switch to give 4-8-16 ohm outputs.
At this point I needed to order the tubes. I set the project in a box, slid it under the dining room table and forgot about it. FOR 18 MONTHS! I am not sure if these speaks more to my abhorrent cleaning habits or total lack of use of the table.... and dining room.